-Cute Things He Does-

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Tell me if you want me to put warnings and types on the preferences. I really hate reading a one-shot that's a lemon and that had no warning when I was in the mood for a fluff lol and that's why I put them on the one-shots but, if you want them on here too I can do that~

Bill Skarsgard- Bill likes to hug you from behind and sway with you. He wraps his long arms around your front and you hold on while you both move in sync

Roman Godfrey- Roman isn't one for fluffy light stuff all the time but, when he is it's really sweet and cute. He will hold your hand and squeeze it really hard to where it hurts you just a bit. Then you squeeze his back to hurt him.

Pennywise- Penny doesn't know too much about human interaction but, he loves booping your nose. You do it back to him of course but he is the one that started it. 

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