(Poet)Bill Skarsgard

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This is going to be my second Bill story! Again, it is really hard to write these 😣 but I love him sm and do them anyway lol. Comment if you want any of his characters added to the book plz! I know this one isn't good but I had to put something in it sooooo sorry sdbsdjb

Type= Fluff

Warnings= None

I was sitting in the library quietly. Nothing could bother me. This was my safe space, to get away from everything. From the cameras, the electronics that made our society. The library seemed to be the only place I could get away. I would sit and read things like poetry or classic novels. The way that they were worded spoke tI o me. THye were so specific and vivid. 

I was in the corner of the library where no one could find me. No one was ever here, even though the building was huge. I had surrounded myself with at least a dozen books. 

I was reading, 'Poems Of Passion'when I heard a book drop. I whip my head up and scan the shelves. 

I didn't see anyone. I took a deep breath before going back to my book. 

A couple of minutes passed and I heard someone walk up to me. I look up from my book once again and see a man, standing there with a book in his hand. His face was red and he looked nervous.

"Are you okay? Can I help you?" I asked standing up and setting my book on the wooden table. 

"Uhm, I just come here a lot and I always see you here at this table and I was just wondering uhh..." 

I giggled. He was stuttering and rubbing the back of his neck.  I smiled at him and stuck out my hand.

"I'm (y/n)" 

He took my hand and shook it. His hands were clammy but soft and lanky.

"My name is Bill," he said laughing at himself. 

"What are you reading?' I said taking the book from his other hand. 

"Oh uhh, I read a lot of poetry and I saw you reading this one so I picked it up." 

It was, 'Mik & Honey'. One of my favorite books ever.

"I love this book so much!!!" I said holding the book to my chest. 

He laughed.

"Me too honestly! I wasn't expecting much from it but it is really good." 

We smiled at each other and I handed him back his book.

"Well, let me give you my number, and we can maybe come here together sometime?" I said writing down my number on a piece of paper I found on the table.

"Yea that would be nice. Thank you," he said.

"Well, it was nice meeting you and talking to you! I'll text you later," he said giving me a small hug.

"Yes, of course, see you later Bill," I said sitting back down at my table.

"See ya'" 

I smiled to myself as I watched him walk off with his book in hand. 


Yessss i know this was short im sowwyyyyyy 

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