#1 You can't handle the heat

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[B/O/C] = Boy of Choice

Your best friend [B/O/C] invited you to join him and the rest of the band on tour. While you were with them you had the task of taking pictures of them during their shows which they'd use for official merchandise etc. One day while being in Mexico the heat was taking it's toll on you. You'd never been good with heat, it causing you to get headaches and feel sickish so you barely ate and drank lots and lots of flueds to at least get something in and stay hydrated. Your best friend however never knew about this because you could hide it pretty well as you were used to it by now, people barely noticed it. During the day you'd barely eaten because you felt sick to your stomac and drank lots of water. Your friend picked up on you not eating too much but you quickly dismissed it as you convinced him easily that you were fine. Right before the show you felt a bit light headed which he noticed and he once more asked '[Y/N], are you sure you're alright?!' You just nodded it away, saying you were fine pushing your friend towards the stage he'd perform on in just a few minutes. Throughout the show you walked around the entire stage, taking pictures of the boys from different angles and you loved it like you did every night. Your friend however took a closer eye on you than usual and you guessed he got a guard to keep an extra eye on you as you were looked at more often than normal. About 3 songs before the end you started to feel very bad, suddenly sweating, lightheaded and dizzy. One of the guards came towards you quickly and grabbed you by the arm and pulled you backstage to put you down against the wall, ordering people to get you some sugar filled drink like cola or fanta. A minute of 15 later your friend came of the stage and ran to you quickly. '[Y/N]! What happened?! Are you alright?! You suddenly became very pale, you scared the crap out of me!' You gave a weak smile. 'She probably just had some low blood sugar, we gave her something to drink and she's slowly been feeling better.' one of the guards said. 'Are you sure?!' [B/O/C] asked and the guard nodded. 'Yeah, you should take her to her bunk, she's very tired.' he said again which made your best friend help you get up and into the bus, to your bunk. 'Just lay here, I'll be right back' he said hurriedly as he walked back to to front of the bus, leaving you in your bunk across from his. 'There you go', he said giving you your favorite ice cream as he came back. You smiled opening the bucket and spooning some out. As you ate something your friend sat down next to you asking you how you felt every few minutes, worried sick about you. 'I'm gonna go sleep now', you said handing him the empty bucket, motioning him to leave you to it, signaling you were in fact really tired. As he came back you already had your eyes closed and he just gave you a kiss on the cheek, which he had never done before, and you heard him move into his bunk, not closing the curtains of neither yours or his. Right before you went to sleep you looked at him, seeing him sit in his bunk facing you and you questioned yours and his feelings towards eachother. As you woke up the next morning you saw [B/O/C] sitting in his bunk like you saw him last, but now with his eyes closed. You smiled at the sight knowing he probably watched over you all night till he fell asleep. You stepped out of your bunk and walked into the kitchen finding some of his band mates there, asking if you were feeling better and you told them you did and explained you'd never experienced it this bad before and that it did kinda scare you. It also became clear that [B/O/C] had been watching you, worried you might slip into a coma because of a low blood sugar, throughout the night, he didn't fell asleep untill like 5am. It being an hour before soundcheck you decided to wake him up instead of one of his bandmates and you walked up to his bunk, carefully shaking his leg. '[B/O/C]? [B/O/C]?!' you said trying to wake him and as he did he looked at you with sleepy but shocked eyes inmedeatly saying '[Y/N]?! What is it?! Are you ok?! What time is it?!' You calmed him saying it was an hour before sound check and you were fine. 'You should get ready' you said as he stepped out of his bunk and he nodded, reaching into one of his cabinets for a clean shirt. '[B/O/C]?!', you said to him, slightly insecure. 'Yeah?' he said turning back around towards you. 'Thank you' you said giving him a kiss on the cheek and walking away from the bunks. Before you stepped out of the bus you looked back seeing [B/O/C] standing there surprised, then shaking it of and getting dressed.

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