Step Nine: Iris - Testify the Modern Eye

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Opening Song:

-Pick it up, when it brings you down...

Nishikata woke up and since it's a day off, he woke up pretty late. He got up, took a shower and made breakfast. He then got to his room and started to think about another good revenge to Takagi.

But as he think about her, anxiety and pressure began to come.

"D-darn it! I can't believe he still got the nerve to do that."

Nishikata thinks again, he scratched his chin to find a perfect plan.

"Hmmm...well..." He tought of something like, bullies her on the internet, or just straight torturing her. But those wouldn't make it count as countless teasing she gave him.

"D-darn it! I HAVE NO CLUE!!" He screamed in frustration as he fell down again. His desperation always gets the best of him when he thinks about how to get a revenge on Takagi.

"H-how? How could i tell my revenge to you!?"

Nishikata rises up, looked outside, then tought of something.

"I need some inspirational from the outside world."

He them took his jacket and went outside.

He took a stroll to the park and look at some people who was playing and having so much fun with their life, he grunted later sad. He wished he has this kind of life, a life without endless teasing and a life without bullying anyone. But instead he got Takagi, who seems to teased him way to much.

He took another stroll to the side of the park where it's exactly the same, people having fun. But Nishikata's good part wished that they never met someone like Takagi on his life. He smiled sadly and continues to walk beside the park.

But he found something insterting. He found someone, looks like a 12 year old girl teasing a boy who seems like him. The boy blushed hard, while the girl laughs, quite a lot. She seems to like teasing him.

Nishikata got triggered and angrily walks among them. As they were getting closer, his presence got noticed by the two and they both look quite confused.

"Excuse me? What's happening here?" He said coldly to them.

The girl just looked at the boy and smiles.

"Tell him, Quatra."

"Wha-! Like i would want to!" The boy name's Quatra seems to taken aback by the girl.

"Tell me!" Nishikata raised his voice and made Quatra more terrified.

"W-were...just...having a-a contest, and...she teases me..." Quatra sounds terrified. Nishikata took a glare at the girl while she just smiles at the boy.

"See, it's not that hard. What? Are you scared because he's an upperclassman?"

"N-no! Stop teasing me, Aira-san!"

While Aira laughs and Quatra blushed, Nishikata remembered this and suddenly all the flashback returns. This made him angry and suddenly looked at the girl with pure anger.

"Why do you tease him?" He said coldly. But without fear, she said smiling.

"What? Are you actually want to know our relationships? Pervert." She gave him a smug smile, which made him angrier, and asked her kindly again.

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