Step Eight: Iris - Override and Conquer

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Opening song:

-We're given one shot at life, and it's now...

Takagawa had just sent Takagi the article that made viral on social media. At first, she didn't believe that Nishikata went rampage and dropped Takao on the ground, but after she saw the some of her friends chatted about how Nishikata destroyed some of their phones, she knows Takagi wouldn't like this.

She needs further information by calling her friend, Jonathan, who also seems to be Takagi's good friend. But she was quite nervous, since Takagawa had a crush on him. But she gathered her nerve, and gave in.

She called Jonathan and a shortly after, Jonthan picked up.

"Jonathan-kun? H-hey..." She nervously answered.

"Oh, it's you Sumire. What is it?" He answered

"Oh, do you know about the article that went viral now?"

"Oh yeah, it's about Nishikata and Takagi right?"

"'re Nishikata and Takagi's close friends right?"

"Umm..yeah? So?"

"Listen, is the article is true?"

"Well from the looks of it, it kinda does. Well, only the fact that Nishikata never bullies anyone. He's just depressed and angry."

"Oh really? Why?"

Then there were silence for a few moments and she heard Jonathan sighs.

"Listen, i need you to keep this a secret okay? Since you're Takagi's bestfriend."

" it something urgent?"

"No. More like, unbelievable."

"Oh no. What happened?" Takagawa suddenly felt an adrenaline rush inside her body.

"Well, one day, Takagi teases Nishikata WAY too much and he was so stress and angry that he had burst his anger all over Takagi, and made Takagi depressed and angry at herself. She wished she never done anything way too far, even a habbit. But Nishikata is so angry that he literally hates everyone, that on his way. We still wanted to bring Nishikata back to the way he was, but it was so complicated that we almost gave up. But we promised Takagi to bring Nishikata back. So that's it."

Takagawa stunned by Jonathan words. She never figured that Takagi teases him a lot and finally made him so angry. But part of her wants Nishikata to apologize, but she also thinks that Takagi should desserved it, since Takagi always teases Nishikata all the way for over 2 years. But she was her bestfriend, and she didn't want her to be sad, so she figured out she wanted to forget all about Nishikata, and just focus on her life.

"Well i think that's everything that i need. Thanks Jonathan-kun."

"I see you're stunned and speechless huh?"

'How did he read my mind!?' Takagawa blushed and tries to scrub it off.


"Ahaha! Well then, good talk."

'Good...Talk?' She somehow was filled with slight joy, that she was getting closer to the boy she loves.

"Yeah, can we call again sometime?"

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