Step Seven: Iris - Bloody Ether

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Opening Song:

-Unplung the connection, feel that supression...

Nishikata went to his room exhausted and catching his breath, he was devestated and he tought that he was done for. Takagi was much stronger than he tought. He tought that Takagi couldn't done anything in that moment, but he was wrong.

"Damn it! I've never tought Takagi would be depressed or scared when i'm angry, but i was wrong. She's still the same Takagi that i know. I don't think my plan would work now." He said devestated that his plan is almost ruined. He need to think about another plan to get his revenge. But now, he needed a rest.

"I'll need a rest for a moment."

He then took a shower, made dinner and finally opened his phone out.

"I think it's better off now for me now to check the internet." Nishikata then opened a browser to surf the internet for a moment. First he checked the school website and found something suprising.

"Oh? The school will be suspended by a week? Okay then..." He smiled. At this moment he tought that by this week, he would be working on another revenge to Takagi, since the first one doesn't guarantee a success.

"Hmmm for now i'll have to think about another plan."

He then surf the internet for a little while until he found something.

"Huh? What's this?"

He then checked his recommendation on google and found an article what is called "Torturing boy". He then take a look at the website to find something that he wished never want to see.

"WH-WHAT!? IT'S ABOUT ME!?" He take a look at a photo of him, grabbing Takao shirt that was on the ground. It must be one of the girls photo that he forgot to check.

"Wh-what is this? 'A boy Bullies an innocent kid'?" He then took more scroling to find fake information about him taking on Takao for nothing. And then it says that it hurts his spine and he attended to kill himself after the accident due to stress and deppresion. It also says that the kid also bullies girls and teacher for no particular reason.

Seeing this made his blood boiled and almost wanted to teach somebody a lesson who wrote this article. But infuriatingly, the writer is yet to be known. The internet was a bad place for his relaxation, instead he got angry again.

"DARN IT!!" His life got worse since the day he went rampage. And at the school where he was being cold and rude to everybody, now being spread by a hoax.

" this!?" He desperately tries to channel his rage of despair, but almost went rampage. He took another glance at his phone where he found out something even worse.

There wrote 'A girl scolded the boy and makes him run away from the scene he was making, the girl could be the hero to stop him from torturing everybody'. He looked at this and tought the girl was Takagi, now being the hero of the class to stop Nishikata from rampage. This made Nishikata broke down again, and wished he never used his phone.

"Stupid INTERNET!!" He cries and put his phone away this time. He swears not to touch the phone again until Nishikata done his revenge.

Back to Takagi, she was sitting at her desk with her eyes glued to her phone, and she looked moody.

She then got a message from Takagawa about an article.

"Yo Takagi! I found something interesting! Or more like...suprising." She texted Takagi.

"Oh really? Show me." She calmly texted her, wishing it was some sort of article that could made her mood better.

Takagawa sent her the link, and she tapped on the link that was given, and it shocked her.

The first thing she saw is the title says 'Torturing Boy'. And she saw Nishikata was holding Takao shirt that was on the ground. She was shocked yet surprised. She didn't know that he was still angry at Takao.

She then continues to read the article, it says horrible things about how Nishikata bullies everyone. About Takao, it says that it hurts his spine and he attended to kill himself after the accident due to stress and deppresion. It also says that the kid also bullies girls and teacher for no particular reason.

She knows that this isn't true, so she started scrolling down to find the writer, but the writer is yet to be found. She then continue to read again until she found an paragraph saying, 'A girl scolded the boy and makes him run away from the scene he was making, the girl could be the hero to stop him from torturing everybody'.

She knows it was herself that scolded Nishikata, to not bully anyone that is innocent or trying to gave advise. But she still didn't took that.

She felt guilty and wished she didn't scold Nishikata the way she wanted to. And now she remains the "Hero" of the class, or something like that.

The two regrets surfing on the internet, and the two knows that this Bloody Ether is not a place for them again or never. They wished that they never made this decision and now regrets for being the 'Villain" and "Hero" of the school.

"I...have to...stop this.." Said Takagi.

"I...have something." Said Nishikata.

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