6. His Texts

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"Why do you need that much money?!" Jiyoo's uncle exclaimed on the other side of the phone.

"I told you I need to pay that guy so he won't sue me!"

"That's absurd! His family is filthy rich, this much money is like pocket change to them so why does he want the money?"

"I don't know! But please you have to help me, you know my parents can't afford it and you're like the richest in the family!" Jiyoo pleaded.

"Jiyoo-ah..." He heavily sighed.
"Your auntie and I currently have some financial issues right now. Money is kinda tight so the most I can give you right now is half."

"Then what about the other half??"

"Maybe next month?"

"Arghhh that's so long!" There are about 4 weeks a month and I have to meet him twice a week so that's 8 meetings!

"Sorry sweetheart, our family is also in debt right now...that's the best I can give you."

"It's okay... thank you uncle, I promise I'll pay you back!"

"Okay Jiyoo, I'll come over in a few days to drop off the money."

When Jiyoo was ending the call, she got a text from no other than the guy that made her currently life miserable. Why did I agree to meet up with him...

Asshole: Meet me at this restaurant, 5:00 p.m. this weekend. Don't make me wait.


Asshole: Got it?


Asshole: Hey at least reply I know you see this!


Asshole: YAH! 😡


Asshole: Looking forward to seeing you 😏

"Ughhh gross!!" Jiyoo throws her phone on the bed while regretting all the bad decisions she made in life.

"It's okay... its okay Jiyoo... you got this... it's only a month. Time will pass by fast.." Jiyoo reassured herself.


"What makes our leader so happy today, I wonder?" Chaewon said as the group stared at the smitten Taehyung who is smiling at his phone.

"I wonder who he is texting..." Hayoung leaned closer so she could read the name off of his phone.

"Jiyoo? Who's that?"

"No way..." Bin's eyes lit up with excitement.
"Our leader is indeed incredible, he finally got the arrogant waitresss girl who punched him!"

"I told you, no girl could deny Taehyung's charms." Harin said.

"That was so much more quicker than I thought. Taehyung, what are you planning to with her now?"

"Just do what I always do." Bin suggested.
"Played with her around a little bit and if she gets her heartbroken later on then consider that a payback for going against our leader in the first place. But to be honest, she's not really your type Taehyung. You're way out of her league so why not just let us be the one playing around with her instead?"

Taehyung didn't say anything, but with a single look he shut down Bin in a second.

"...forget I said that."

"Wait hold on." Chaewon widened eyes looked at the text on his phone.
"That Haesun bastard from our old school just challenged our leader to a race."

"Hey... what if we get in trouble like last time and get kicked out of school again." Bin said.

"Dumbass, you can't get kicked out if you're not attending school." Chaewon replied.
"But even if we get in trouble, I'm sure our leader could get us out in a breeze."

"Taehyung, Haesun challenged you, you have to go show him who's boss!" Hayoung said.

"Yeah, he challenged the wrong person. Oh, and how convenient, I brought your fastest sports car today!" Harin joined.

"We'll look like losers if we don't accept the challenge." Chaewon told Taehyung.

"Yeah let's go. I'm bored anyway." Taehyung said as he stood up from his seat.

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