xxiii. sorrowful

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       THE JOURNEY BACK to the drop ship is silent, but tense

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       THE JOURNEY BACK to the drop ship is silent, but tense. Once the drop ship comes into view Kya begins to worry, what if this didn't work? "This way." Kya says as they reach the drop ship. Clarke followed closely behind Kya as the girls climbed up the ladder to the second floor of the drop ship. The only thing Kya hears as she reaches the second floor is Octavia's cries. Kya's eyes widened as she looks at the scene before her, Lincoln lying on the ground with Octavia crying over him. Kya and Clarke turn to each other, both wide eyed now. It only gets worse once the commander follows.

In a matter of seconds swords and guns are being pulled on one another. Kya quickly reaches behind her back, yanking out her sword. "Please. You don't have to do this." Clarke begs.

"You lied, and you're out of time." The commander states, keeping her eyes trained on the two leaders.

As the grounders go to lunge forward, Kya lets out a yell. "Wait!" Everyones eyes move to her as she continues to think. Before any movement could be made Kya grabs ahold of a long shaped taser lying on the ground, without thinking she slams it onto Lincolns chest. When nothing happens Kya slams it onto Lincolns chest again, causing him to suck in a breath of air. The redhead lets out a gasp of relief as she falls back onto the ground.

"Kya." Clarke mumbles. "You did it." Silently Indra and the commander look towards the girl sitting upon the ground, they were both impressed and confused. How did this small girl bring this warrior back to life?

"Lincoln." Octavia sighs as she jumps near him.

"Octavia." Lincoln mumbles back, no longer a blood thirsty reaper. Octavia lets out a sigh as she sees that her Lincoln was back.

Smiling at the couple Bellamy bends down helping his own girlfriend off the ground. "You're are amazing." He whispers in her ear so only she could her. Kya looks up at him with a smile on her face. Her attention snaps back to the grounders when the commander places her sword back in her sheath, a sign of peace for now.


"Lincoln's recovery was... Impressive. No one's ever survived such a fate before." The commander, who the girls name learned was Lexa, explains to Clarke and Kya once they arrived back to her tent.

"It's not complicated, really. We just have to keep them alive long enough for the drug to leave their system. I know we can do that same for others." Kya explains.

"You may have your truce." Lexa finally says causing Clarke and Kya to turn to each other with small smiles on their faces.

"Thank you." Clarke tells Lexa.

"I just need one thing in return." Lexa begins.

"Tell us." Kya states.

"Deliver me the one you call Finn." Once the words leave her lips the smiles on Clarke and Kya's face are immediately gone. "Our truce begins with his death."

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