I blink, realizing how much these people mean to me. We saved the world together three times. We crushed Meteor when it all started. Then we managed to save Cloud from taking the King of Angst throne because he wanted forgiveness. After that, with the whole Deepground incident where Vincent let go of his past and decided to start living a little. We're a family, and I would love to quote Lilo and Stitch right now, but I can't think of what strange word that blue critter said that means family. I feel like we shouldn't be giving up, but we can't seem to escape this one. The place is under triple guard, plus the Turks, and there are mics and cameras everywhere, no doubt.

"Hey, why ya cryin, Brat?" Cid moves his shoulder to get my attention. I blink and rub away and tears that I didn't know escaped.

"No reason. Just thinking."

"About some pretty sad crap too, I'll bet."

"Not really. Just thinking about happier days on that stupid airship."

"Don't you go callin my baby stupid," he glares at me and I laugh.

"It only is because I get sick."

"Well that's yer own dang fault then, ain't it?" He smirks and I groan, wanting to say something back, but I can't think of anything good.

"Hey Gramps?"

"Hmm?" He struggles not to snap at me for the old and annoying nickname.

"Never mind," I shake my head. "Did you already see Cloud?"

"Yeah, and he's scared of what yer gonna do to him. Poor kid."

"I'm gonna kick his butt, that's what I'm gonna do," I scoff. "Then I guess I'll have to fondle him like a little preschooler until he finishes pouting at me."

"Do ya even know what that word means?" The pilot smirks suggestively.

"Yes, and I also know there are two meanings, you pervert," I elbow him in the ribs.

"Okay, whatever you say, Yuffs."

I don't even remember the rest of the hour, just hugging Cid tightly in a goodbye and the leaving without a look back.

"And finally, the lovie," Reno announces, motioning for me to enter the room. Instead of beating him as fast as I can, I walk toward Cloud swiftly and hug him around the waist tightly. He freezes and blinks, obviously not expecting that. Then his arms slide around me and hold me closer. A few moments later, my open palm meets his cheek.


"Yuffie, I..."

"No, shut up! What the heck were your thinking?!"

"Rufus was part of the whole thing!"

"You could have come up with a plan that wouldn't land us with the frikin death penalty!"

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking," his voice softens, maybe even cracks a little, but some things need to be said before I'm ready to listen.

"Heck no you weren't! Cid just became a father and now his poor kid's gonna have to grow up with just Shera! Red's got kids too! Six of em! Barret and Marlene are getting killed, so poor Elmyra, right?! Vincent and Tifa never got a chance to start that family they wanted, Reeve doesn't know what the frick is going on, and Denzel..." My voice breaks off. I shake my head and keep going.

"Tseng's killing the kids. Kathy too, even though she had nothing to do with this. Kara will grow up and she won't even remember who her parents or Mikey are. Emily won't ever even get to be held."

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