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Lucy POV
"I have to go," I muttered to Oliver.

He sighed turning over to face me in the bed, "It's thanksgiving, you are leaving me alone?"

"No, no, spend friendsgiving with Caroline and Ty," I told him.

"I barely know them."

"Caroline likes everyone and Ty use to be a werewolf, it's perfect," I said.

He rolled his eyes at me, "Portland really?"

"I've been stuck in 1994 with Bonnie, I've grown to like her, and I want her back."

"And Portland will do what?" he asked.

"Maybe the Ascendent is there, Kai did kill his family there."

Oliver smiled, "Why are you always in other people's business."

I smirked, "It's my job."
Damon, Alaric, Stefan an I stood at a rental car, Alaric stood talking on the phone talking to Elena. They were pissed that we didn't show up.

"Oliver is coming," I yelled so Elena could hear me.

Stefan looked confused," Was everyone invited to this friendshiving?"

Damon smirked, "Of course I was asked to bring the string bean."

Stefan turned to me waiting for a response. I simply shook my head yes.

"Huh," Stefan mumbled.

"Weren't you invited?" I asked.

"Nope," Stefan said.

"You messed with the wrong girls heart," Damon smirked amused by this.

"What do you mean Bonnie's in the prison world? Damon said that she wasn't there, that she found peace with... Why didn't he tell me this?" Elena asked still on the phone with Ric.

"Why wouldn't I consult you in a decision that might permanently change your life? Hmm. I wonder," Damon said loud enough for Elena to hear.

"He didn't want to get your hopes up. We honestly thought Bonnie died trying to free him. If she sent her Teddy bear over, it could mean she's still..." I said.

"Bonnie's still alive? Oh, my God!" Elena exclaimed.

"Yeah. So we're in Portland right now, trying to track down some Gemini thing," Ric told her

"Ascendant," I corrected.

"This is amazing," Elena mused.

"Alaric, you might want to keep the news to yourself. I tracked this lead months ago. It was a dead end," Stefan implied.

"Stefan sends his love." Ric said.

"Wait. What?" Elena asked before Ric hung up on her.
"Is there a reason why Caroline didn't invite Stefan?" I asked.

"I don't know, they better fix it before Christmas," Damon said sarcasm dripping from his voice.

Alaric smirked, "It would be devastating."

Stefan did not look amused, "I'm glad you are all enjoying this."

"Damn right," I said.

"Why don't you just date her?" Damon asked.

"Damon has a point, perky blonde vampire, your type," I told him.

"She is my friend," Stefan mumbled.

"Friend zoned ouch," I smirked.

"She you would make a great girlfriend. One she is hot," Damon said.

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