(Don't fear) The Reaper

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Come on baby... and she had no fear
And she ran to him... then they started to fly
They looked backward and said goodbye... she had become like they are
She had taken his hand... she had become like they are
Come on baby... don't fear the reaper
Lucy POV
I pulled up to the familiar small. I said I would never come back but here I was. At least I wouldn't be running Klaus. I stepped into the Bayou looking for Oliver or Jackson. I stepped in a mud puddle while walking. "Great." I mumbled once pectins my shoes. As I looked up I saw two arrows flying by my head and I caught them swiftly.

I looked and saw a man. He looked like he stepped out of the wilderness in Alaska. He was stocked up on so many weapons he mad vampire hunter Ric look bad.

"What's up?" I asked him casually.

He pulled out a sword and pointed it at me. Like he think he can kill me.

"Stop." I heard a voice say.

"Jackson." I mumbled. The man put his sword down.

"You know her?" He asked.

Jackson nodded. "Kind of friends, she banged Ollie a couple of times."

I turned around glaring at him. "Speaking of Ollie where is he?" I asked.

Jackson shrugged. "Haven't talked to him after all the werewolf shit. He went off the rails when he found out you died." He said. "How are you even alive?"

I shrugged. "I can always figure out a way to cheat death. Now where is Oliver?"

"Pledged his allegiance to some witches." Jackson said.

I groaned. "What an idiot. You are the alpha get his ass back here."

"The thing is, Ollie betrayed me. He plotted with the Guerreras. He spilled his own people's blood." Jackson said.

I sighed. "He was trying to make up for that. He felt terrible."

"It doesn't matter. The witches have him. He's dead." Jackson said.

I glared at Jackson. "Fine well I'll save his ass."

Grizzly Adams stood up packing something's up.

"And where do you think you are going?" I asked him.

"I'm not going to let a werewolf die by a hands of a witch." He said.

"No thanks I don't need your help." I mumbled walking away.
I walked the rows in the cemetery looking for Oliver. I stopped because I smelled blood coming from one of the tombs. I climbed the steps and entered to see Oliver. He was chained to the ceiling beaten and bloody.

I ran to him holding his face in my hands. "Ollie, Oliver wake up listen to me." I said.

His eyes fluttered open. "Am I dead?" He asked.

I shook my head and brushed his hair out of his face. "You're dead." He mumbled.

"No, I'm not. It's a long story, we don't have time." I said.

I stood up and stared to break the chains. I caught him before he hit the ground. Outside I could hear werewolves jumping from the tombs surrounding us. "We have to go." I told him helping him stand.

He stopped and looked at me. "You're back." He smiled.

I put my hand on his cheek. "I'm back Ollie now let's go."

"Just leave me here." He said. "I only have until midnight anyway before I'm killed."

I could feel my stomach drop. There was nothing I could do because they were witches. They wouldn't do anything at all and Bonnie was trapped in other world 1994. Then I remembered my friend Violet from Detroit. She is a witch, a powerful on. I haven't seen her since Nik and I went to Detroit and I ran into Maximus. They owed me a favor so it was time to cash in.

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