Sex Type Thing

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I know you want what's on my mind
I know you like what's on my mind
I know it eats you up inside
I know, you know, you know, you know
Lucy POV
I woke up in Kol's car and looked out the window to see the blue ocean.

"What the hell?" I asked Kol.

"Good morning Lucy." Kol said to me.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"In California." He said.

"I thought we were going to New Orleans?" I asked.

Kol shrugged. "Change of plans I guess."

"Why did you pick California?" I asked.

"I know Pearl Jam is your favorite band...they are on tour starting here." Kol said.

"So what? You want me to relive my groupie days?" I asked.

"Not groupie...more like follow the band and have fun." Kol said.

"And what happens when they recognize me and notice I haven't aged since 1993?" I asked.

"We compel them." Kol shrugged.

"No." I mumbled.

Kol sighed. "But Lucy...they are like your favorite band and I didn't get to see the glory days of rock and roll."

I looked out of the window looking at the Pacific. "Fine just one tour." I mumbled.
Four Months Later
Four months. That's how long the tour took. I have to admit it was a fun time Kol and I had a fun time, getting drunk every night, and listening to the band. Kol actually wore a flannel.

"That was an adventure of a life time." Kol said.

"Now where to?" I asked Kol as we drove down the high way.

"New Orleans." He said.

"For real this time?" I asked.

"For real Kol assured me."

Kol pulled up in front of a large house.

"This is it?" I asked.

"Yes it is." He said getting out of the car.

We got our bags out of the back and strays for walk into the house.

I walked into the foyer carrying my suit case. "It's a little early for that isn't it?" I asked Rebekah who took a sip from her drink.

"Look who decided to show up." Rebekah said to Kol and I. "It's not too early for a drink. With all the witch stuff going down it is well needed." She said.

"What witch stuff?" Kol asked.

"Some stupid shit. That I will catch you two up on."

"Where's your brother?" I asked. I wasn't prepared to see him...not just yet.

"Last time I checked he was off running around with Marcel." Rebekah said.

"When you see him tell him I'm back with Lucy." Kol said.

"Tell him yourself." Rebekah snapped.

"Or you could accompany me and we get a drink." Kol said.

Rebekah glanced at us. "Better than drinking by myself I suppose."

"Will you be okay here" Kol asked me.

"Yeah go on maybe I'll catch up with you later." I said.

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