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I am myself
Like you somehow
I'll wait up in the dark
For you to speak to me
Lucy POV
I rolled out of bed needing a blood bag. My hair was a mess and I reeked of alcohol.
I walked down statue looking at Elena and Damon who was laying in the couch cuddling. I groaned and turned my attention to the door. It swung open revealing Silas.

"Greetings!" Silas said.

I groaned walking down the steps.

"Good morning, frenemies!" Silas exclaimed. He pulled the curtains back with his magic and looked back at us. I stared at him with disbelief.

"Ah. You know, I'm only a few hours into my old life as a witch, but somehow, the sun feels warmer." Silas said walking to the window. "Probably because I'm not cursed with having to outlive it anymore."

"What's with the home invasion, Silas?" I asked.

"Well Lucy, after 2,000 years of a miserable existence, I finally get to die." He smiled.

"We all know that Tessa was a real vengeful bitch. Your doppelgänger, Amara died at her hands, but today, after 2,000 years, Amara and I will finally reunite."
Silas said said to Elena. He turned to me, "I heard you found about my twin Cyra, your doppelgänger. Tragic, she really loved Septimus."

Damon looked at me confused. "Alright. Skip the mushy parts. Look. My girl here is just trying to have a good day, and there are promises that she's expecting you to keep." Damon said getting up.

"Oh, you don't think that I keep my promises?" Silas asked.

"You said that now that you're a witch again, you would bring Bonnie back from the other side." Elena said.

"I did and I can." Silas said.

"And you promised Damon you would do that if he helped you." Elena said.

"Yeah." Silas said.

"But you're kind of evil. No offense."
Elena mumbled.

"None taken." Silas smirked.

"So I'm just trying to figure out how I can trust that one of your last acts in the world will be to bring my best friend back." Elena said.

"Did you want me to pinky swear?" Silas asked sarcastically.

"She's trying to have a good day. Just tell her how it's going to go down." Damon told him.

"I just want to destroy the other side so I don't get stuck in that pit of a purgatory when I finally do kill myself. Before I do that, I'll bring Bonnie back. And being the amazing and incredible and all-powerful witch I am, I can totally do both things. I just have to find the anchor first and destroy it." Silas asked.

"The anchor?" I asked.

"A device. It's in New Jersey." Silas said.

"New Jersey? The supernatural other-world is bound by an object in Snooki's backyard?" I asked in disbelief.

"It's in a stockyard and it's being shipped out. So. We really need to..." Silas said as Jeremy walked in with a crossbow.
"Hello, hunter. Banner day for you, huh? Didn't you and the Bennet witch used to be...friends?" Silas asked.

"Hey, knock it off. Okay?" I yelled at Silas. I turned back to Jeremy. "It's okay Pearl Jam. We all want the same thing today. Silas dead, Bonnie alive." I said.

"Yeah." Silas said glaring at Jeremy.

"AKA, put the damn crossbow down, Pocahontas." Damon yelled.

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