Chapter 9

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Malachi pushed open the double doors making them slam against the wall. He stepped into the cold room that reeked of death. Dried blood stained the walls and floor reminding them of the criminals that were sentenced to death.

The Elites all glanced his way. "Malachi," they greeted.

"You need to stop this execution."

Dara blinked. "We all agreed to it."

"No," he snarled, "You all made the decision without my consent. She's from my kingdom and the coven she belongs to is under my protection."

"We have evidence to proof her involvement with the murder," Samuel informed.

"She has stated herself that the leader of the coven has made a deal with Cyrus," Dara added, "We have postponed her trial long enough and she is a threat not only to our people but this entire kingdom. I do hope you understand."

"No, I oppose-"

Samuel stood up. "Are you challenging my final decision, Malachi?"

Malachi bowed his head before the King recognizing he was still his superior. "I apologize for my rudeness." He gritted his teeth.

The sound of heavy footsteps and chains rattling caught their attention. Four guards entered the cold room with the witch who kept her head down letting her hair fall forward. One of the guards placed her in front of the guiatin and pushed her down on her knees.

Seth, Kayne, and Jay were hiding within the shadows observing the scene unfold before them. They had snuck in with their mother's help.

The witch eyed the large metal blade that hung on top of her before placing her head on the wood. She closed her eyes accepting her fate.

"You are guilty of being involved in Elite Gabriel's murder-"

"Just get it over with already," the witch interrupted.

Samuel was about to give the signal to the guard when suddenly a loud explosion was heard that shook the walls. "We're under attack!" A voice from the distance shouted. Another explosion was heard that shook the ground making everyone stumble.

"They're here for her. Execute her," Dara shouted over the chaos.

The guard pulled the lever and gravity pulled the blade downward. "I'm sorry," Seth heard Malachi whispered under his breath. Malachi lifted his hand and stopped the blade in midair. With his other hand he made all the Elites fall on their knees.

"What are you doing?!" Samuel asked, placing his hand on his sword ready to strike his brother if necessary.

"I'm sorry, but it has to be done," Malachi answered as the witch stood up and stepped away from the object that would've brought her death. Malachi released the blade and it fell on the wood.

"Traitor!" Raiden shouted as he fought to stand up.

Malachi stumbled back as Samuel broke free. "You are my brother but you are not above the law. You just committed treason."

"Did I?" he responded, placing his hand on the witch's shoulder.

"Stop!" Samuel shouted, but both of them vanished before anyone was able to stop them.

Seth and Kayne glanced at each other in confusion.

"Well isn't this a nice twist," they heard a voice say from the entrance. Cyrus slowly stepped inside the room.

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