Chapter 8

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Eli walked around observing as the young ones sparred with their partners. He gave individual instructions to each group helping them improve their skill.

The sun was at its highest point in the sky. As soon as Audrey dismissed everyone, Eli sat down on the grass under the cool shade of the nearest tree. He was thankful that he had accompanied Seth when he was teaching the young children back at the castle. His older brother always had a soft spot for children, especially the orphans.

Light footsteps slowly approached him before he heard someone sit beside him. He looked over to see Audrey handing him a sandwich. "Thought you might be hungry."

"I can't-"

"I have more in this basket," Audrey quickly replied, pointing to the basket. "You saved me, it's the least I can do." Eli cautiously grabbed the sandwich. "I didn't poison it, if that's what you're worried about."

He unwrapped the top half and took a bite. That piece of sandwich had his taste buds exploding with delight. They both ate their sandwiches listening to nature's symphony. As soon as Eli was done, Audrey passed him another one along with a bottle of water.

"How long have you been in this academy?"

"Two years," Eli answered.

"Really? How is it that no one knows who you are?"

"Prefer to be on my own."

"Don't you get...lonely? Everyone needs a friend."

Eli swallowed the last piece of sandwich and stood up. "I have to go," he responded wanting to leave.

"I apologize if I step over the line again."

"Thank you for the sandwiches," he replied before walking towards the woods. Audrey's question cut through a deep wound that he had been wanting to heal. He would give anything to return back to the castle with his family. The only motivation he found was to grow stronger and be able to fight alongside his brothers.

- - -

Kayne watched as their mother placed a wet cloth on Seth's forehead. "Tell me what happened?"

"We went to see the witch and somehow Seth got her to talk."

"He got her to talk?"

"Yes," Kayne answered before continuing on. "She was answering his questions when he started to look ill. So I teleported us here to his room and he just collapsed. At first, I thought it was the witch."

"No, this is not the witch's doing. I believe that it's Seth's power pushing forth."

"His power?"

She nodded. "Believe or not, Seth's power has been dormant until now." Kayne glanced at Seth. He felt strange seeing his brother in bed with a fever. His mother sighed. "I think it's time I tell you something I've been keeping from you three," She spoke in a low voice as she adjusted the cloth on Seth's forehead. "As you know, you and your brothers come from a lineage of strong Elites but what you don't know is the power that has been passed down. Through the generations this power became dormant to the point that it has gone unnoticed."

"Until now," Kayne added.

"We've seen glimpses of it with Eli but I was able to push it back. Now it's Seth. It won't be long now before it'll awaken within you."

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