Chapter 6

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Decided to change the pov to third person. :)


Eli gazed up at the dark sky covered in stars like a blanket and the full moon shining brightly. It was only at this hour that he was able to escape the shadow of his hood and taste freedom for just a brief moment. 

Rumors had spread throughout the academy about a mysterious warrior that was soon given the name Shadow Warrior. His only friend was Ezekiel, but even then he only spoke to him when he wasn't too busy.

Eli closed his eyes as he felt the gentle cold breeze before he heard a female's voice.

"Audrey wait up!" The girl shouted as she ran to keep up with the other girl, Audrey. "Will you slow down?"

"Hurry up!" Audrey shouted over her shoulders as she continued running.

Eli pulled his hood up and observed the two girls from his spot. Hopefully they leave, he thought frowning that they had disturbed his peace.

Audrey smiled as she reached the cliff and stopped at the very edge. Her brown hair swayed gently with the wind as her green eyes observed the dark forest. She doesn't like sneaking out after curfew but something within was telling her to step outside.

"" Her friend said in between breaths.

"I wished I had the answer to that." Her friend narrowed her eyes. "Okay, it's this feeling that I have to be here," Audrey said as if it was the logical thing to say.

"This place gives me the creeps."

"Don't be such a wimp, Jade," Audrey replied as she stepped closer to the edge. "No one is out here."

Jade folded her arms over her chest. "Have you heard the rumors of the Shadow Warrior?"

Audrey rolled her eyes. "Do you really believe there's actually such a thing? No one has real evidence."

"Real or not, I don't want to get my head chopped off or see his murderous gaze that can penetrate your soul," Jade said shifting from one foot to another.

"Have you ever heard of not believing everything you hear?" Audrey countered.

Eli sighed through his nose as he recalled the latest rumor. Whoever had started it sure had a creative imagination. He quietly shifted his weight on the thick branch he was sitting on and closed his eyes, hoping that the girls would leave.

Just as he was beginning to fall asleep, a scream ripped through the forest making his eyes snap back open.

"Audrey!" Jade shouted in horror running to the edge of the cliff.

Audrey's hands had gripped onto a branch saving her from certain death. Jade laid flat on the ground and extended her hand to reach her friend. No matter how far she stretched, she couldn't reach Audrey.

"Hold on. I'm gonna get a branch."

Before Audrey could protest, Jade was already out of sight. Her feet dug against the dirt and her hands stung as she gripped the rough texture.

Eli watched as Jade disappeared into the woods looking for the branch. He leaned his head back as he tried to fall asleep but the small voice kept telling him otherwise.

The cold breeze made Audrey shiver as she held on. She felt relief when Jade came back with a thick branch. Once the end was in her reach, she grabbed it. Jade pulled back with all her strength, but the branch gave out.

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