Chapter 7

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Kayne paced back and forth recalling what the witch had told them. Her words echoed in his mind, taunting him. He was completely lost in thought that he didn't notice Seth calling him until he appeared right in front of him making him jump.

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" Kayne took a couple steps back.

Seth rolled his eyes. "You didn't sleep, did you?" He didn't wait for Kayne's answer before continuing, "Anyways, the Elites interrogated the witch but she didn't give any useful information."

"Of course."

"The only one she is willing to talk to is Malachi."

"Our uncle? Why?"

"I don't know. All this seems a little suspicious." Seth began to pace, trying to organize his thoughts. "I can sense the power that witch has and I'm almost certain she wouldn't have been captured so easily."

"You're right. They wouldn't have given their position so carelessly. But the real question is why would she want to speak with only Malachi."

"Not sure, but we're going to find out."

Kayne smiled. "See told you my plan was going to work."

"What plan?" They heard an all too familiar voice say, making them both freeze.

"M-mother," Kayne stuttered.

She narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms as she waited for an answer. "What are you up to? Kayne?" As soon as she mentioned his name he looked down in shame not wanting to answer her question. "Seth?" She turned to the eldest, knowing that he would answer.

Seth cleared his throat as he tried to come up with an excuse but it was useless. Their mother would know if he was lying. "We were trying to find out what the Elites have been up to and the reason behind the enemy targeting them. Since Eli's ceremony, something just doesn't feel right and it's only getting worse."

"So you decided to go behind your father's back to investigate, disobeying orders and risking your lives?"

Seth was about to divert his gaze and accept his wrong doings, but something in him didn't let him give up easily. They all knew something was wrong.

He took a step forward. "I'm willing to risk my own life if it means saving thousands." Their mother's eyes widened as she processed every word the eldest spoke. "I believe that they're targeting the Elites to bring disorder and chaos to the kingdoms. It'll make it easy for them to take over if they don't have to fight an Elite head on."

"My sons I know you mean well, but this is not the way to do so. If you get caught sneaking around by one of the Elites they'll consider it as treason, especially with our current situation. Seth you should know this."

"I do apologize but I can't stand by and do nothing. It's been two years since Willow's death and the Elites have done nothing to capture Cyrus. I know father is doing what he can but we're not getting any closer to stopping the enemy. How many more Elites have to die before Cyrus is captured?"

She stepped closer to Seth and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You remind me so much of someone." Seth blinked, confused about who she was referring to. "I'll help you, but this must stay between the three of us."

"Told you my plan would work," Kayne whispered to Seth, loud enough for their mother to hear as well.

"Was hanging outside your father's office also part of your plan?"

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