jail break

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"alright let's try this" I said with enthusiastic.

"Wow did it work?" Silver yelled a bit because of the explosion noise and when I turned to him,his eyes was closed because of the explosion. I was about to answer him but then the sirens went on and the explosion dust was getting more and more clear until it was completely gone.

"Does this answer your question Silver ?" Shadow responded

"Yes it does. Follow me,we have to get to the source of energy" Silver said quickly

"Wait what about team Babylon? We can't leave them behind!" I responded with a question tone.

"Did you lost your brain cells when you did this explosion or something ? Listen here closley Sonic,I hate leaving people behind as much as you do believe it or not but if we don't stop this madness by it source,then everyone will be dead. However if we end this by it's source and stop these creatures plans,then we can safe many lives. We just can't risk 3 people that leads to the conclusion of getting the whole world destroyed Sonic,that would be stupid. You know it yourself." Shadow snapped at me.

"I will not let that happen ! You know I'm fast and with this form much more faster but also much more flexible. In conclusion I can destroy this ship inside out. I just need your help. Come on shadow,you should know me by now of all people. I leave never someone behind,it doesn't matter if it's risky or not. I'll take that risk as long as I know I have this chance to safe as many lives as I can. I will never back away from that opportunity. Please don't force me to leave them behind. You should've seen Jet,I told you in that jail what happened." I almost said in a begging voice. I never beg.

"Guys we can't lose any more time,we have to go now!" Silver responded worriedly and started to panic.

"fine but we don't even know where they are" shadow given up and growling in frustration because I won this argument.

"Thank you. Silver you said you ended up here. do you know before they caught you,where they put the other prisoners in captive" I demanded.

"of course. Let's save them." Silver responded quickly.

"follow the lead then,we are right behind you." I said happily.

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