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"Sonic. Please tell me you're coming back to me " I've spoken to him scared for his life. This time it felt like it could be the last time,I will be able of seeing him.

"Amy you worry way to much. I promise you,I'll return to you. I always did." He caressed my cheek while being in his super form. I closed my eyes to his touch,relaxing. I could already imagen his smile right now,that he has on his face. Slowly that warm feeling was leaving,which signaled me that this sweet moment has an end.

"just wait for me" he told me with his biggest bright smile he has.

"you know I always will Sonic." I replied.

One last time we looked deeply into each others eyes and then he speed flied away. Leaving only yellow light back which also faded away slowly.


Amy always worries way to much but this time I could understand because even I didn't know, if I will be able to fix this.

Those creatures....

They came out of nowhere....


We were all chilling out having fun when it happened. It was like the calm before the storm. Everything got scary. It got dark and the sky looked like it's gonna break into pieces,when somewhat like a portal formed. Everyone was clearly scared but also curious of what was going on. Yet the moment something spoke and came out of this portal,you heard everyone screaming and running away. Before I could react,several more of these lifeforms appeared and started killing people. My friends,who never experienced on first hand, watching someone to get torn into pieces,watched in horror,disgusted and shoked how someone gets slaughtered in front of them for the first time. Even I was frozen,which I hate myself for it. I could've done something. I'm the hero after all. I at least could've run and speed dashed him. Just anything. So I can say at least,I tried saving him but instead I just was standing there doing nothing. Their screams are were so heartbreaking,it would follow into your worst nightmares. For the first time I just didn't only feel fear but also I felt hopless. I felt helpless. Tails screamed my name several time before I reacted to him. I even didn't know when I spaced out but it seems I did,at least Tails told me that. We ran for safty. I took everyone who was dear to me with me first. That's when the real horror started to happen. G.U.N has started a ear piercing sound the following sentence I'm sure I will never forget.

"this is the G.U.N Government we are under attack by unknown living things we are sorry to tell you that if you are wounded in any way or our the military services,our soldiers suspect something is wrong with you then they will and have to kill you out of self safty. We all will try to stop these creatures from further damage please lock yourselves up and be safe. May God be with you all" 

This happened after 10 years of silence from Dr. Eggman we never heard about him after our last meeting. I think we never will in the far future too. By witnessing what happened on this day I'm sure they also got him too. I tried saving many life's that day but....

End of flashback

"it was not enough." A single tear dropped.

That day I failed as a hero but I will stop them now. Finelly I've found out where they are hiding,that's where I'm going now. Everything is up to me now.

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