Chapter 5

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Let just imagine this chapter is like in the picture above. 💖


After five days of tiring school, here came the weekends and Taeyong just didn't want to move at all. He decided to be lazy as fuck for the whole day. But he seemed to forget something.

Noon arrived as Taeyong laid on the couch, wearing oversized t-shirt and boxer, watching television being as wasted as he could. Then, his dad came home, which was quite rare because the man never finished his job until at least the evening. Taeyong got up and looked at his father as the latter went upstairs. After a while, his father came down and sat on the couch beside his son.

"Why do you come home so early?" Taeyong asked.

"Got some extra free time. Need to go back later though." His father answered and Taeyong nodded.

"Oh, there was someone waiting outside. He said that he is your friend. I invited him in, but he refused." Dad said after a few moments of silence.

Taeyong raised his eyebrow as he went to the window. He peeked through the curtain and was a bit shocked. It was Jaehyun, leaning against his car. Now that Taeyong remembered they were supposed to go to the movie today. He looked at the clock, panicked a bit, thinking that he was late or something. But actually they were supposed to meet in an hour. Jaehyun came way too early.

"Call your friend to come inside. It's cold out there." His father said.

Taeyong went to the front door and opened it. Before he could call the latter, Jaehyun was already turned around and looked at him. Jaehyun approached the latter while rubbing the back of his neck. He eyed Taeyong up and down, biting his lips.

"How long have you been waiting there?" Taeyong asked.

"An hour ago?" Jaehyun said. Taeyong dropped his jaws.

"We are supposed to go out in an hour. You are two hours early."

"I know. I'm just nervous and excited a bit."

They both entered the house and went to the living room. Jaehyun greeted the father and they both went upstairs, to Taeyong's room. Jaehyun entered the very familiar room and looked around. The room looked different at daylight. Very neat and clean.

"Sorry for the mess." Taeyong said as he grabbed the towel.

"It's fine."

"Make yourselves at home." Taeyong said as he entered the bathroom.

Jaehyun nodded even though Taeyong didn't see it. He walked around as he remembered all the time he visited this room at night. Jaehyun admitted that he was a stalker but whatever. His hand literally touched everything inside the room. He heard the shower ran from the bathroom and gulped. So many things went through his mind right now. Jaehyun grabbed a book and sat by the window to distract himself. He needed to give a good first impression to Taeyong plus, his dad was downstairs.

10 minutes later, Taeyong came out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his slim waist. Jaehyun looked at the latter and bit his lips, holding himself. His pants started to get tight. Taeyong didn't seem to bother the eyes that followed him everywhere though. Jaehyun got up and walked toward the latter. He couldn't hold himself anymore as he tried to use his power on Taeyong.

Taeyong who was standing in front of the cupboard didn't realize that Jaehyun was behind him. After he decided on the clothes to wear, Taeyong turned around only to bump into Jaehyun's chest. Taeyong looked at the latter in the eyes and he froze. Jaehyun knew he didn't get to fully control the latter yet but at least he's making progress. His hand went to Taeyong's cheek and caressed it gently. God, he smells so good. Jaehyun thought. He closed the gap between their lips but Taeyong backed off a bit which was surprising to Jaehyun since he used his power as much as he could.

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