Chapter 2

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Everyone in the school was so excited because there was gonna be a few new students who moved to their school. Didn't know why they were so excited though. They said that it was because these new students were all good-looking. Whatever. Taeyong thought. Their presence won't change anything. For Taeyong, they were just a bunch of other students. And then there we go, Johnny ran toward Taeyong, a grin on his face.

"Have you seen the new kids?" Johnny asked.

"No." Taeyong sternly replied.

"You should. I bet you will fall in love with any one of them. They are that hot." Johnny said.

"I can't just fall in love by just looking at someone once."

"Trust me, you will. I already fall. There is this one guy, around your height. He is so damn cute." Johnny grinned wider.

"I don't even know what type of guy I like. How can you be so sure?" Taeyong rolled his eyes.

Both of them were really open with each other. It all started with Johnny came out to Taeyong as gay. He was fine with it, saying that Johnny's sexuality got nothing to do with their friendship. They were still friend no matter what. Only a year after that, Taeyong also admitted that he's also liked boys. Not that they had a crush on each other. They were nothing more than just friends in each other's eyes.

"You fall in love too quickly." Taeyong pointed to Johnny.

"Don't blame me he's so cute." And they both walked to their class.

On their way, there were a lot of students gathering in the hallways. They were looking at something. Of course, Taeyong knew what it was when Johnny started to smile like an idiot because he saw what was ahead. Being tall had so many advantages.

"It's them, right?" Taeyong asked and Johnny nodded as his eyes followed that particular boy.

Taeyong tried to peek through the crowd to look at the new students because yeah, he was curious. He only saw a glimpse of them, so he slipped through everyone and went to his class, Johnny followed. Now that he was in front of his class, he could see the new students better. His eyes instantly went to the palest among them all. His heart skipped a bit as he admitted. That guy is kinda hot. Dark brown hair, muscular body, tall but not as tall as Johnny and pale, like really pale. All of them were kinda pale but that boy stood out more. Taeyong's eyes were amazed by the beauty of the boy as he thought he might have a crush on him.

The said boy looked at him and their eyes met. Suddenly, Taeyong felt something weird was happening inside of him. And for some reason, that boy looked intimidating out of sudden. They were having an intense stare fight as Taeyong felt the urge to approach the boy. He shook his head and turned around, entered his class. Taeyong rubbed his neck as he thought he had that weird feeling just now. Meanwhile, the boy was so shocked, his body froze there as he watched Taeyong left.

Taeyong went to his table and took out his notebook. Everyone was still excited about the new students. Even Johnny didn't enter the class yet, amazed by the boy that he had a crush on. After a while, Johnny sat beside Taeyong.

"Why you left me alone outside?" Johnny asked.

"Because you were too busy checking out on him." Taeyong replied and his friend scoffed.

30 minutes into the lesson, someone knocked on the door. And there we go. Two of the new students entered making a few people inside the class shrieking a bit. And of course, the two got to be that pale one and the one that Johnny had a crush on. Taeyong looked at the boy. Their eyes met and Taeyong instantly looked down.

Under My Control (NCT JaeYong) | Jaehyun x TaeyongHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin