Chapter 19

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Anna POV

Elsa leads me to my room. As we arrive, I tell Kristoff that I would rather talk to her alone about this right now.

He nods and leaves. Elsa closes the door.

"What about Hans?" She asks me.

"He, well, snuck inside the castle, probably heard us shouting, and recorded us on this device thingy, and he's gonna tell the whole kingdom, and now he has proof, and he just...disappeared." I say.

Elsa looks at me with disbelief.

The walls start freezing up.

"It's ok, I just need to... run away again," I tell her.

"No!" she says.

"If there is one thing I've learned when I ran away is that you can't run away from your problems. And in your case, you are having this baby no matter what!" She says.

"We could try abortion..." I mumble quietly but Elsa still heard it.

"Well the choice is yours; do you want to be a mother or not? And only think about your happiness, not anybody else's," she says in a comforting voice.

I think over it a little bit.

"I'm not sure..." I say.

"I'll give you time to think." she says.

She pats my back and gets up to leave.

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