Part 10

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THX so much!

Chapter 10

'Master Yoda?!'

Ahsoka let out a quick gasp and rose to her feet, stunned at the ghostly image of the jedi master. He giggled to himself slightly and strolled over, closer to her. 

'Ahsoka...' Yoda began with a content smile spread across his small wrinkly face, 'Been awhile, it has. hmm.'

'Master..Y-you died? When?' She questioned as she realized that he was indeed a spirit and not in his living form she had seen back in the clone wars.

'Hmm... with the force now, I am.' Yoda's spirit image settled down on the misty dirt beside Ahsoka. 'Lived a long, long time, I did, yes...and came, my time did.' He looked deep in thought for a brief minute. 'One with the force I became, less than a year ago, hmm.' 

At that moment, Ezra and sabine enter the area -looking kinda suspicious- and came over to Ahsoka. 

'Who the kriff-' Sabine started, at first slightly alarmed but quickly shrugged it off when she noticed Ezra grinning at the small ghostly green thing, sitting beside Ahsoka. Sabine had to get back into being used to weird Jedi things that were always going on.

Ezra let go of a tight grip he had on Sabine's hand that she hadn't even registered was there. He kind of awkwardly half jogged, half fast walked over to Yoda, astonished that he was sitting right there. 

'hmm...Ezra Bridger. Been a while, yes?' Yoda nudged him, with his smile still plastered on his wrinkly face. 

'Yea, I suppose so. Almost a year now, I think.' He replied, which sent two confused expressions shot his way.

'Ezra, you were in contact with Master Yoda recently?' Ahsoka questioned.

Ezra switched his gaze from Yoda, to Ahsoka. 'Oh, right...I haven't told you yet,' He grinned. 'A little while after I arrived here, master Yoda found me, and we started hanging out.' He explained 'That's why I haven't gone psycho from no social interaction for years.' Ezra chuckled.

The others smiled contently. Sabine took a seat, right up close Ezra. As she did so, he put his arm around her waist, pulling her in slightly. But not so much that Ahsoka and Yoda would notice. 

'The sky is looking pretty clear at the moment,' Ezra stated, looking up ' and I'm pretty sick of this planet. I suggest we get a move on, If no one objects.' 

'Sounds good to me.' Sabine replied, with a small grin.

Ahsoka smiled in agreement and they started walking along the misty dirt track that formed when they arrived, the previous day when they had to sprint to the cave.

'Came here to tell you something, I did. Something you must know...' Yoda started, 'Alone on this planet, you are not. Darkness I can sense, hm' 

Sabine was stunned for a second then just accepted the fact that this sort of thing always happens. 

'Yes, I could sense something too, while I was meditating' Ahsoka commented as they entered the cave.

Sabine took a seat on the rock floor, holding her satchel, while Ezra started shoving bits and bobs into a small bag that looked as though it was about to fall apart. He knew that he too had sensed something evil ever since he arrived at this planet, but could not quite figure out what, or who. 

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