Part 9

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Hey peoples! Thank you all so much for all the reads, votes and comments(: 


I just started up a Redbubble account and have around five designs on it already. (All Star Wars related so far) Such as Ahsoka, Captain Rex and some quotes n stuff written in the star wars language Aurebesh.

You can buy my digital designs/Drawings on Shirts, jumpers, mugs, sheets, phone cases, notebooks, etc... Please check my account out, in the link below and consider purchasing(: Thx

And maybe check my page every now and then because I will be putting more and more designs on.

And tell others! Please!


(If the link didn't work just copy and paste it into a new tab)

Anyway, on with the chapter...

'I am leaving. This place is disgusting.' Hondo declared suddenly and burst into a march away from the cave and Ahsoka. 

She sighs, 'You don't even remember where your ship is.' The togruta reminded him, rolling her eyes. 

'Of course I do!' 

'Alright.' Ahsoka shrugged with no hesitation. And turns away.

If Hondo was not...well, Hondo then he might've been suspicious. But of course he didn't think too much of it. He took her reply as permission. -Even though he would go looking, pretty much no matter her answer.- So he began his journey to find his ship. He didn't originally have a plan about what he was going to do once he got there but as he strolled along through the misty dirt tracks he confirmed to himself that he would leave without the others. Hondo was now aware that he would not get any money out of this, so 'what's the point in staying '  he thought aloud to himself. 

His monkey lizard, going by the name Pikk Mukmuk, jerked up from his sudden voice. Hondo had completely forgotten about his pet cramped up around his neck. 'Ah, you...You are still here.' He muttered as the realization hit. The animal made some squeaks and quacks in annoyance.



Ahsoka smirked lightly as she turned her head to watch the pirate stode away. She slipped her hand through her inner pocket in her robe to pull out a small piece of metal. She had taken a small but important piece from Hondo's ship. Without it, the ship will stay firmly on the planet and never start up fully.

She examined it quickly before letting it slip through her fingers and back into the white fabric pocket beside her waist. 

Ahsoka soon noticed that it was quiet enough to attempt her meditation again. So she glanced around the area and walked a few meters to a branch sticking out, low towards the ground. It seemed pretty sturdy and should hold her weight. Though, she only actually needed a firm surface for the first few minutes of meditation since once she is in the zone, the force can simply support her and even if the branch gives way, she would be seated in the same spot. basically levitating. As long as she stayed focused though. 

Ahsoka recalled the time when she first discovered this thing about the force. But learnt that you would have to have a strong bond with the force in order to do specific things such as levitate. 

Ahsoka sat cross legged on the branch and closed her eyes. 

She spent around twelve minutes meditating before a sudden image formed in her previously empty mind. And she heard her name being said in a very recognisable voice.  

'Master Yoda?!' she gasped.


Hondo was beginning to feel quite bored. He was whistling a loud tune to try break the unusual silence that he felt uncomfortable in. The pirate and his pet started getting even louder. Hondo then began talking to himself all about what he was wanting to do once he was back in his ship and away from Dagobah. He carelessly skipped over a small creature lying asleep in the mud. Hondo was fully aware it was there, he just didn't care. He continued his ramble.

Then, before another word could leave his mouth, he was toppled over into the mud. The Pirate let out a shriek and the Monkey Lizard leaped off him and scurried away to a safe distance.  There was a sudden herd of large winged beasts attacking Hondo. He was pushed and pulled until he was drenched by the swamp water and most likely broken multiple bones. Eventually the violence took a pause, Hondo lifted his shakey head up, 'How. Rude.'  

Then one of the creatures grabbed his wrist, by it's foot. They all started flapping their wings rapidly until the swarm of them were in the air and Hondo along with them. Before they got too high up, the Monkey Lizard jumped towards them and clinged to Hondo. 

They were taken not too far when the grip the animal held on him was released and Hondo fell many feet, before being scooped up by the same creature and dragged into a small hut type place. Hondo was still very confused about everything that had happened in the past few moments. It all happened so quickly, he hadn't even realized that his pet had tagged along until it was in front of his face.

'...What the hell...' Was all the pirate could manage.


Sabine's eyes fluttered open, only to realise that she had fallen asleep. She turned her head slightly to the steamy waterfall before her. She had to take a moment to remember why and how she was here. Sabine sat up slightly, and glanced around but quickly noticed Ezra beside her. He was not yet awake. They were extremely close and that sent a chill up the mandalorian's spine. The two had their legs crossing over each other's and Ezra's hand around her waist. Sabine wanted to get up since she felt very awkward, but at the same time, she knew that she also kind of wanted the opposite, to stay and maybe just roll with it, possibly even just go back to sleep. Sabine hadn't really registered that she was looking straight at Ezra as she thought up her options until his eyes fared open, gazing back at her. 

A smirk spread across his face. 'Are you staring at me while I'm sleeping?' It wasn't exactly a question, but Sabine replied anyway. 

'Maybe' She mimicked his smirk 

There was silence for a minute before Ezra went through all the same questions as Sabine, when she woke up. But he asked one aloud, 'What happened last night?'

Then all those memories flooded back for both. Everything that happened before and after the drinks.

Hey guys, I'm sorry for the short chapter I have a lot to do. Will update soon hopefully, obviously I don't have a specific date and time though. 

Don't forget to check out my Redbubble account!

And feel free to comment any ideas of what I should draw for my next upload on Redbubble! Or just comment anything!

And vote on this chapter if you enjoyed it, maybe even a follow!(no pressure)

THX for reading!😉😁

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