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Tattered boots skid through muck and vines as in under a moments notice as Ezra is  soon leaping over the cliff's edge, heading directly for the lake beneath. It was about three long seconds later when he reached the bottom and sent water splashing up. Ezra was bopping around in a large clear lake with a calm, silky waterfall pouring down into it causing small ripples.
The large splash he made was the only sound that could be heard within the forest. After the water calmed down again all was silent once more. But as usual the quiet never lasts. 

Sabine who was still grinning was leaning over the edge, peering down at the young man beneath her floating around.

'Come on!' Ezra called out. 'The mud will be washed away in seconds if you come now!'

Suddenly, She vanished from Ezra's sight. She needed a running start. Then dived down, doing a risky somersault in the air moments before hitting the lake. And once again disappeared but this time, underneath the water. Ezra began paddling towards her, expecting her to pop up at any time. But she didn't.

Worry started creeping through him. And dreaded on the negative possibilities. While he was overthinking he wasn't being very aware of what the force was pulling at him about. He was too distracted to sense the young mandalorian woman circling him from below. Like a Loth-cat stalking its prey. Sabine wasn't entirely sure what her own plan was, she just wanted to have some fun like the good old days back on the ghost, getting to freak out the teen boy when he was too distracted to already know, due to his force powers that she didn't really understand very well. But her lack of knowledge on that subject didn't bother her most of the time anyway.

's-Sabine?' He managed. Not at all thinking about the possibilities of this being a joke.

Ezra then tried desperately swatting the water and reaching around him to hopefully grab hold of a most likely limp limb. But got nothing. 

Meanwhile Sabine was actually running out of air. So she quickly decided to wrap up her scare. She allowed herself to float up, and just before reaching the surface, she lightly brushed her fingers past Ezra's lower arm. He spun around to face Sabine but only to receive a splash in the face.

Ezra sighed. 'Thanks. Almost had two kriffing heart attacks.' 

'aww' she laughed

Ezra couldn't hide a smile. He was glad Sabine was alright, although he was definitely going to need to get some playful revenge at some point. But maybe not quite yet.

He remembered something he had hidden nearby all of a sudden and pulled Sabine along to the shallow part of the river until they were bearly in the water. Seated on the smooth pebble ground. Sabine didn't question anything, even though she honestly would have preferred  staying in the deep. She had only ever had the opportunity to swim a few times before, in her life. Very few, that she could probably count the times on one hand.

Then Ezra pulled out a large container from behind a tree beside them. Sabine observed as he punched in a code. Then she noticed an imperial symbol engraved on the lid, which hissed open.

'So. After the crash, I was going through the wreck to retrieve and keep any items that survived.' He began explaining 'And found hidden in a cupboard, this locked box. I was convinced that it must've been valuable or important if it was protected to its extent, so I tried every single four digit combination for days until I cracked the code.' Sabine was listening attentively, growing more curious about the box on Ezra's lap which he was covering with his arm. 'And when it opened, I was very surprised.' He lifted his hand away and leaned the container over to reveal its contents. He took a deep sigh and chuckled 'Damn Alcoholic beverages.'

'Seriously?' Sabine laughed 

'Yep.' Ezra replied. 'And of course I kept them. But I haven't had very much. There were twenty bottles to begin with. Over the years I have had sixteen, So there are four left' He gestured to the box containing four full bottles.

'huh' She mumbled in satisfactory as she grabbed a bottle, flicked off the lid and drank a mouthful. Ezra watched her for a moment before placing the now locked container next to him on the muddy ground and gazed out at the breathtaking waterfall, then turning to find Sabine doing the same, with the bottle limply in her hand. 

'soo... come here often?' Sabine chuckled trying to make conversation.

'Well, yeah I guess. Not many other places to go.' Ezra shrugged and gently removed the bottle from Sabine's grasp. And took a sip.

They had a small conversation for about five more minutes, passing the bottle back and forth until it was empty. The two were not very drunk, but let's just say it's lucky the bottle was not too large.

'Let's go back into the river.' Sabine groggily stood and lifted Ezra up with her, dragging him along till they were floating, with the water up to sabine's collar-bone and Ezra's lower chest.

'You still have dirt on your face...' Ezra snickered. He absentmindedly lifted his hand up from below the water and stroked Sabine's cheek. The mud washed off from his muscular damp hand. Their eyes locked, and Sabine didn't push him away like a part of her was pulling at her to do. She already knew how this morning was going to end. Ezra hadn't removed his hand. And neither moved at all. 

His hand now cupping her chin and his other hand made its way to hers. Slowly Sabine allowed the wine to overtake her worries and anything that held her back as she snaked her free arm past Ezra's shoulder and around to his back. And they drew closer and closer, bodies touching and faces only centermeters apart. But then the gap between them quickly closed, when their lips met for a second time that week. And also second time ever.
It may have been the drinks that pushed them that little bit further to achieve what they both had been wishing for, for years but neither cared or probably even comprehended how it worked out.

They still hadn't parted and were way too destracted and caught up in each other that there was no way either would have realised that there were a pair of eyes laying on them and have been watching their every move, From a distance...

Hello there.
Hopefully you are enjoying this FanFic. I try.
And THANX so much for all the reads! Don't forget to comment, request to others and vote on this chapter!😁⭐
Expect a new update sometime next month probably. 📝👍🏼

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