"And it's a lot of things" Zayn pointed "Your mum just saved you a lot of money".

"I know" Louis said as he examined the little clothes "I still have to buy a bunch of stuff, though".

Louis had been looking at cribs and strollers and that sort of thing on the internet, and it was all a lot more expensive than he thought they would be, but having all these things his mum sent was going to definitely help a lot.

"Maybe don't buy anything yet, your baby daddy might want to contribute to the expenses" Zayn suggested "That is if he ever finds out he's going to be a father".

"I said I'd tell him this week" Louis rolled his eyes.

"I won't believe it until you actually do it" Zayn told him.

"I will" Louis insisted.

Later that night, Louis called his mum to thank her for all the things, and as if she had been colluded with Zayn, she asked too if he had told the father of the baby the truth yet, and when Louis admitted he hadn't, she encouraged him to do it soon.

And Louis knew he needed to do it, he was 26 weeks pregnant after all, so there was no time to waste.

But he knew whatever happened, it wasn't going to go smoothly, firstly, because Harry didn't want kids, and secondly, because he had waited way too long to tell him the truth.

Still, that Thursday he made the decision that that would be the day that Harry would know the truth.

So after having dinner at home (alone, because Zayn was on a Tinder date or something), Louis decided to text Harry.

To Harry: hey what are you up to?

It took about 20 minutes for Harry to answer

From Harry: nothing much

To Harry: wanna come over?

From Harry: I'll be there in an hour

To Harry: ok

Louis was a mess of nerves as that hour went by, and he kept rehearsing in his head ways to tell Harry the truth, but he couldn't decide which one was the best. By the time the doorbell rang, he still hadn't decided how he was going to say it, and he figured that he would just have to wing it.

"Hey" Louis said when he opened the door and found Harry there.

"Hi" Harry said back.

"Come in" Louis offered, opening the door wider.

"Thanks" Harry replied, and walked inside as he took off his jacket "How are you?".

"I'm alright" Louis replied, and tried to smile "Do you want anything?".

"I do, actually" Harry with a cheeky smile.

And that was when Harry kissed Louis, and he put his arm around his back, and he gave Louis' bum a squeeze.

"Wait..." Louis said and pushed him away gently.

"Sorry, I forgot you have a flatmate" Harry replied "Let's go to your room".

"No, its not that" Louis denied "He's not even home".

"What's going on then?" Harry questioned.

"Come sit" Louis said as he himself went to sit on the couch.

The Lying  Game ~ larry mpreg auWhere stories live. Discover now