Chapter two

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The boys were winding down after their night at the Grammys. They finished their V live and everyone headed back to their rooms except for Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin. Taehyung was sitting on the couch with Jungkook laying back, head on his lap. Taehyung was lazily running his fingers through Jungkook's hair. Jimin was sitting in the chair, his eyes focused on them.

Jimin could stare at Taehyung and Jungkook for hours on end. The two of them were so breathtaking together. It was no secret at least to Jimin that something was going on between Taehyung and Jungkook. No-one ever came out and said it and they never admitted to anything.

Taehyung and Jungkook would always sneak around and disappear together at random weird times, and when one would return the other was shortly following behind. It made Jimin smirk a lot how they really thought they were that clever at hiding it. Jimin always wanted to say something, but he never had the nerve to.

A few nights ago, before they flew to the states for the Grammys, Jimin had a hard time sleeping. He usually leaves his airpods in for the music, but he thought maybe the quiet would help relax him. He laid in bed, tossing and turning getting frustrated. He then took his airpods out of his ears and set them down next to his bed. He let out a deep sigh before pulling the covers back up over him. Only the sound of his breathing could be heard.

Then it happened.

Jimin heard muffled noises, but he just assumed someone was still awake probably watching tv. He tried to ignore it and shut his eyes.

Then it happened again.

"..You like that don't you...tell me you fucking like it..."

Jimin quickly sat up in bed.

"..That sounded like Taehyung ..what the fuck?.." Jimin whispered.

Taehyung's room Is next to Jimin's, so Jimin being the curious person that he is stood up and walked over to the wall. He pressed his ear against the wall and listened.

He heard more muffled sounds, and he tried to focus on what exactly he was hearing. He then thought he was being silly and it was probably just the tv or Taehyung talking in his sleep which he does a lot.

" are so fucking good..."

His eyes widened...that was Jungkook.

"Holy shit ...," Jimin whispered.

Jimin felt like he needed to toss his airpods back into his ear and not intrude because this was their private business, but he couldn't move.

He kept listening. He knew he probably shouldn't, but he did.

Taehyung let out a deep moan, "..Kook...fuck.."

Jimin then heard what sounded like Jungkook getting fucked hard...very hard...

All Jimin could hear is what sounded like skin on skin slapping and Jungkook's moans starting to turn into whimpers and then Jungkook let out a loud gasp, "....the..others..are..going to"

"..Let them..' Taehyung growled,.

Jimin then heard what sounded like the bed moving a bit, then the bed frame started squeeking before the headboard hit the wall once making Jimin jump.

"Fuck..." Jungkook said

"Get against the" Taehyung demanded.

Jimin heard some shuffling and then heard Taehyung's voice, even closer now, "Kook...turn around and bend over."

Jimin knew that they were literally on the other side of the wall now from where he was.

Next thing Jimin knew he heard Kook let out a deep moan followed by a smack.

Jungkook whined.

Did Taehyung smack Jungkook's ass?

Holy fuck.. Jimin thought.

Jimin felt like he was about to lose his mind. He heard Taehyung pounding into Jungkook from just on the other side of the wall. They were that close to him.

Jungkook's whimpers were closer.. Taehyungs moans were closer...

"No-one will ever fuck you like I do, " Taehyung growled.

Jungkook groaned

"...Tell me you love my cock...fucking say it.." Taehyung growled.

Jimin bit down onto his lip hard, drawing blood. He was rock fucking hard. He has never heard Taehyung talk like this before.

Taehyung sped up his pace and Jimin heard what sounded like Jungkook's body slam straight up against the wall.

Jungkook couldn't control his moans, " ..I your..cock..fuck.."

Jimin wanted to touch himself but his body was frozen. He had never been so turned on in his life and he was in total shock at the same time.

"I'm cumming fuck .." Jungkook gasped

"Cum for me bunny.." Taehyung growled.

Jimin's eyes widened, "Oh my god..." he whispered.

Jimin then heard Jungkook and Taehyung cumming at the same time. Jimin's nails were clawing at the wall as he let out little whimpers. He then looked down and realized he came untouched.

Holy fuck.... 

** sorry for the super long wait. I've been so busy with work and working overtime. I still am going to finish intoxicate me. I am working on finishing that one up (probably 2 or 3 more chapters) as well as my others. This story was going to be a one shot but It will end up probably being a few chapters. Hope you all give this one as much love as the others! Thank you all <3 **

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