Chapter 17: P.S. I Love You

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"You love me?" I asked in shock. Freddie just nodded his head. "No, that's not possible!"

"It's quite possible," Freddie said. "You're my best friend, Charlie. We've been friends for years and I've always felt a great deal of love towards you. I keep sleeping with all these women and feeling nothing, and I finally realized why. They're not enough for me because... they're not you."

"Freddie," I said with a sigh. "That's very sweet, but-"

"Tell me you don't feel the same way," Freddie interrupted quickly.

"W-what?" I stuttered. I wasn't sure how to respond.

"Tell me you don't have feelings for me," he clarified. "And we can just forget this whole conversation."

"You would be able to just hide all your feelings for me if I didn't feel the same way?" I asked him.

"If I had to," Freddie said. "But I won't have to. I know you feel something for me, darling."

"W-what makes you think that?" I asked nervously.

"You can barely look me in the eye right now," he said. "So, I'm confident you can't look me in the eye and tell me you don't have feelings for me."

"Yes I can!" I said, confidently.

"Then say it!" Freddie yelled.

"I don't have feelings for you," I yelled back.

"That didn't count!" Freddie said. "You weren't looking at me. Go on, then, look me in the eye and say it!"

"Fred I-" Freddie suddenly grabbed my face and made me look at him.

"Say it," he said quietly. I stared at him for a second before whispering,

"I can't."

"That's what I thought," Freddie said with a smirk before pressing his lips on mine.

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