Chapter 10: Opportunity

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I was heading to Ben's flat on the metro early in the morning and I could barely contain my excitement. I had some big news to share with him and I could hardly wait. As soon as the train stopped I practically jumped off and ran down the street to see Ben. I grabbed the extra key I knew he had hidden under the mat and opened the door.

"Ben!" I yelled as I walked inside. "Ben!" I walked down the hall to his bedroom and opened the door. He was still sleeping. I ran over and jumped on his bed, accidentally landing on his stomach. Ben groaned and opened his eyes.

"I'm regretting telling you where I hid the key, darling," Ben said. I laughed lightly and gave him a small kiss.

"Sorry," I said. "I'm just really excited. I have something to tell you!"

"Alright," he said. "Can you get off of me first?" I climbed off of Ben's stomach and sat next to him on his bed. "Proceed," Ben said.

"How would you like to go to New York City?" I asked him.

"In America?" Ben questioned. "I've never been, but I would love to go."

"I'm glad to hear that," I said. "Because I've never been either and I would love our first trip there to be together." Ben smiled.

"When?" He asked.

"Next month," I said. "We have to go from the first to the seventh of May because... I got an audition for a Broadway musical!"

"Charlie that brilliant!" Ben said with a smile.

"It's a supporting role with a decent amount of lines and a lot of dancing," I said. "Apparently the director is British and he saw me do a couple of shows here in London last year!"

"That's incredible," Ben said. "But, I think I have a rugby match on the first."

"So we'll leave on the second," I said with a shrug. "My audition is not until Thursday anyway. We can tour the city until then. It'll be a fun way to celebrate our first two months together." Ben smiled and kissed me.

"I'm so proud of you," he said. "This will be a fantastic trip. Just you and me-"

"And Freddie and Lucy," I interrupted.

"Freddie and Lucy?" Ben questioned. "They're coming with us?"

"Them," I said. "And Roger... and Brian and John... and Joe. But that's it, I promise!" Ben chuckled softly.

"Alright," Ben said. "So it'll be a romantic trip with the two of us, your two roommates, your brother, Brian and John, and Joe... who was literally born in New York."

"I'm sorry," I said. "I was so excited about the audition and I really wanted to tell you first, but I couldn't keep it in so I told Freddie and Lucy. Then Freddie told Roger, who told Brian and John and then John didn't think it was fair that Joe was the only one who didn't know. We'll have our own room though!"

"Ok," Ben said with a sigh. "But since you invited all these people, I'm inviting Gwilym." Gwilym was Ben's roommate and they went to uni together. Despite all the time I'd spent at Ben's flat, I has never actually met him. He was always so busy.

"Sounds great," I said. "I finally get to meet him!"

"Yeah," Ben said. "He's a good guy, you'll like him." I smiled and nodded in agreement. Ben smiled and kissed me softly. This was going to be a fun trip.

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