Chapter 15: Aftershock

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Ben had been in the hospital for about a week. The doctors were doing tons of tests, which was torture for Ben. He was not a fan of needles and he really just wanted to go home. After endless testing, the doctors were finally able to tell me something. I was sitting with Ben in his room when his doctor came up to me and asked me to meet him outside.

"So," I started when we got to the hallway. "Is he alright?"

"Tests are never 100% conclusive," he said. "But as far as we can tell, Ben's doing wonderfully. We cannot see any signs of brain damage and all his scraps and bruises are healing nicely. One definite side effect will be headaches, but otherwise he should be fine. In fact, we can already take his stitches out, and his arm still needs to be in a cast for a while, but he doesn't need the sling." I sighed in relief.

"That's fantastic," I said. "So when can he leave?" The doctor chuckled lightly.

"Tomorrow," he said. "We're going to take his stitches out and then monitor him overnight to make sure his head wound is alright, but if all goes well, he'll be fine. However, I would recommend that Ben doesn't stay home alone."

"But you said he was doing wonderfully," I said nervously.

"Yes, but I also said our tests are not perfect," he said. "Ben is doing very well, but I think it would be wise to have somebody stay with him for a while, just to be safe."

"O-Ok," I said. "Well he can stay at my flat, or I'll stay at his. Either way, he won't be alone. Can I tell him he can leave tomorrow?"

"Of course," he said. "I'm sure he'll be happy to hear it." I walked back into Ben's room and sat down next to him. He looked up at me and smiled as I ran my hand through his soft hair.

"Hi baby," he said.

"Hi," I said softly. "I have good news for you. You can go home tomorrow."

"With you?" Ben asked. I nodded and kissed his hand softly.

"I'm going to stay with you," I said. "We can stay at your flat, or my flat, whatever you want. I would suggest yours though. The doctor said you'll have headaches for a while and Freddie and Lucy can be loud." Ben laughed softly.

"As long as you're there," Ben said. "I'll be happy wherever we are." I smiled and kissed his head softly.

Ben and I went back to his flat the next day. For the first week, everything was going great. We obviously couldn't have sex, and Ben couldn't play rugby, but in a way that was nice. We spent a lot of time together, and just cuddled at night. I skipped my dance classes so I could make sure he was alright, although he didn't want me to do that. I had to though. I was too nervous to leave him alone. One night, I made us dinner and we sat down to eat.

"I made your favorite," I said, putting Ben's plate in front of him.

"Thank you, darling," he said. "But you don't have to do all this for me."

"I know," I said. "But I'm here for whatever you need."

"I need you to go back to dance," Ben said.

"No," I said. "It's not fair for me to work when you're not working. It's fine I can miss a few classes."

"Charlie, you've missed more than a few," Ben said. "And I know this is not just about me missing rugby. You've been missing classes since we got back from New York, two months before the accident." I cleared my throat and looked away, I knew he was right, but I wouldn't admit it. "Char, that audition was a fluke," he said. "The producer was an arsehole and you are a great dancer. Go back to your classes." I sighed and looked at him.

"Alright," I said. "I will go back to class next week, ok?" Ben smiled, satisfied with himself as we continued eating.

"Oh I meant to ask you," Ben said. "What's is going on with Lucy and that guy she's into?"

"Rami?" I said. "That's nothing. He lives in New York and they hooked up once a year ago and she's obsessed with him now. She ran into him while we were in New York, but I'm not sure if anything happened. I love Lucy, but the whole thing is bloody ridiculous, don't you think?" Ben didn't respond.

"Ben?" I said looking up at him. He was just staring into space, saying nothing. "Love, are you alright?" Ben's eyes suddenly rolled back and his body started shaking. He feel off his chair, shaking uncontrollably.

"Oh my God, Ben!" I yelled as I ran over to him. I called 999 and waited for someone to answer.

"Hello, what's your emergency?" The dispatcher said on the other line.

"I think my boyfriend is having a seizure!" I said.

"Ok ma'am," she responded. "What's your address?" I gave them Ben's address as I tried to calm myself down. "Alright, love, just try to relax," she continued. "Can you describe him for me? Name, age?"

"His name is Benjamin," I said. "He's 22."

"Has this ever happened before?" She asked.

"Not that I know of," I said. "We haven't known each other long, but it hasn't happened since we met, and I know he doesn't have epilepsy."

"Has he experienced anything recently that may have caused this?" The dispatcher asked.

"He was in a car accident about two weeks ago," I said. "He hit his head pretty hard, but he was in the hospital for a week and they said he was fine!"

"Alright," the dispatcher continued. "Don't worry, the ambulance is on its way. In the meantime, just say with him and make sure he doesn't hit his head on anything."

"Ok," I said nervously. I did what I was told, staying with Ben and making sure nothing hurt his head more. He was still shaking when the ambulance got there. I decided to go with him to the hospital. I thought we were finally done with this, but apparently I was wrong.

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