Chapter 5: Big Night

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*Mature Content*

Freddie and I were in his bedroom, sitting next to each other on the bed. I was nervous about what was about to happen, but I had to say something.

"So," I said to Freddie. "What do we do now? I mean... where do we start?" Freddie sighed, but his voice sounded shaky.

"Well," he started. "We can start wherever you want. I mean you're the..."

"Virgin?" I finished his sentence. He nodded. "Alright," I said. "Well, I don't really know anything about this so maybe... maybe you could show me something first. Honestly, I'm not even sure what I like and don't like, but right now I'm more nervous that it's going to hurt."

"Then let's just start slow," Freddie said. I nodded in agreement. Freddie leaned over and kissed me softly. I'd never kissed Freddie before. It was nice, and a little weird. He's my best friend and I just never imagined doing anything like this with him before. His lips moved over to my neck and it got less weird. It felt nice. Really nice. I guess I found something I like. Freddie started pulling at the hem of my shirt and I let him pull it off of me before he took his off too. I looked over at him and giggled.

"What's so funny, darling?" He asked me.

"You're so... hairy," I said, giggling still.

"Charlie," he said with a sigh. "You've seen me without a shirt on before."

"I know," I said. "But not... in this setting." Freddie laughed lightly and I tried to stop laughing,

"Are you going to be alright?" He asked me.

"Yes," I said, slowing my laughter down. "I'm fine. So... what now?"

"Do you want to lie down?" Freddie asked me. I nodded hesitantly and rested my head on the pillow. Freddie crawled on top of me and his hands travelled down to my waistline. He started pulling my pants down, but I stopped him.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"I'm sorry, darling," he said. "I thought when you said you wanted to lie down that meant you were ready to keep going."

"Oh," I said. "I guess I am. I'm still a little nervous that it's going to hurt though."

"Right," Freddie said. "Well I know something we can do that won't hurt and you won't have to do anything."

"Alright," I said. "What is it?"

"Just trust me," Freddie said, slowly pulling my pants down. He pushed my pants to the side before pulling my panties down. That made me tense up, and I think he could tell. He grabbed my hand comfortingly and looked up at me. "Just relax, darling," he said softly. I nodded and took a slow, shaky breath. Freddie moved his head back down and moved his hand away from mine. I gasped when I felt his tongue on me. Freddie stroked my thigh softly.

"Are you ok, love?" He asked me.

"Yes," I said. "I'm fine. It's just... different, that's all." Freddie smiled and started going down on me again. After a while, it stopped feeling weird and started feeling good. Really good. It wasn't long before I felt like I was going to cum, but I didn't have time to warn Freddie before it happened. He brought his face up to mine a few minutes after and I laughed awkwardly.

"I'm sorry," I said. "But if it helps, I'm pretty sure that was a compliment to you." Freddie laughed softly.

"Thank you, darling," he said. "So... are you ready to move on to the real thing?" I thought for a second and then sighed.

"No," I said. Freddie gave me a confused look. "Freddie that was fantastic," I continued. "But... I don't know... I feel like it would have been better if it was with someone I was in love with. Don't get me wrong, I don't regret anything that happened, but I think I want to save the real thing for when I fall in love." Freddie sighed and rolled off of me.

"Alright," he said softly.

"I'm sorry, Freddie," I said.

"Oh don't worry about it, darling," he replied. "This was about you, I don't want to push you into anything you're not ready for. Although to be honest, I was looking forward to having sex tonight."

"Well, it's only 2am," I joked. "You could hit the clubs." Freddie laughed lightly. "Alright," I said. "I'm going to bed. Thank you for doing this for me and thank you for keeping this to yourself. I love you, sweetie." I kissed Freddie's cheek and walked off to my bedroom, feeling ok about what happened. It was fun, but I'm glad I stopped it. I wasn't ready, but when the right man comes along, I will be.

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