Chapter 3

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~~~ (A year and a half after the wedding)

"Foster, where are you taking me?" Keefe asked. She had dragged him out of bed at 5 in the morning to leap him to Havenfield.

"You'll see! Just enjoy the sunrise for now." Sophie grinned. She had tried to keep her emotions in check all morning so Keefe wouldn't suspect a thing. She led him to the panakes tree and sat him down. Now she just had to hope that this worked. She had even brought them to the same spot that Keefe had created for her when they got married. Sunset at the panakes.

"Winh, Luna!" she called. The to alicorns had grown significantly since they were born. They were almost half the size of their parents, but still acted like crazy little siblings.

"What's on their backs?" Keefe asked. Tied by an ice blue ribbon, Sophie had made the twins carry a painting. "Hey, this is the painting of us I made for you." Sophie grinned. It wasn't just that. In a minute, he would realize it was much more. Sophie had projected her memory of the picture onto a page, but one part was significantly different. Between them, there was a space. A little blurry spot for someone else.

"Foster, what's that?" Sophie emotions were surely telling Keefe already, but she said,

"That's a spot for someone else. For our baby." Sophie told him, her eyes brimming with tears. This was the most wonderful thing that had every happened to her, other than marrying Keefe. She was going to be a mother!

"Sophie! This is amazing" She kissed him with all of her strength.

"I haven't told anyone else yet. Well, except Silveny, because she was the one who figured it out. She kept sending me BABY BABY BABYs, and at first, I thought she was pregnant again, but then she showed me a picture of an elf baby, and I figured it out." Sophie had been amazed Keefe hadn't known just from her emotions. She had been excited, nervous, and somewhat sick all week.

"Wait no one else knows? Not even Elwin! Sophie, we need to get you to Elwin! Now!" Since they had gotten married a year and a half ago, Keefe had developed a crazy overprotective husband mode that reminded her of Silveny. He could be just as insistent.

"Keefe calm down. Take a moment and be here with me."

"Foster, you have to be healthy and drink extra bottles of youth, and we need to have you at the healing center every day, and you have to do whatever Elwin tells you, and-

"Keefe," Sophie cut him off, "I'll be fine. We can go to Elwin later today if you want. For now, you have to help me think of names, and how to tell everyone, and a million other things!" She laughed and pulled him back down. "You really are happy?" she asked.

"Sophie, this is the most amazing thing ever. I'm beyond happy." He told her, pulling her closer to him. "But I will be significantly less happy if we don't name it The Keefester. I mean, it really is the best name!" Sophie laughed.

"Um, no. I'm not sure about the first name, but I was hoping if it's a girl her middle name could be Calla? Because of all that Calla did for us, and we're sitting under her right now." Sophie blushed and stopped rambling.

"Calla sounds great. If it's a boy though, the middle name should be Dex, because maybe he will inherit Dex's mad elixir skills!"

"Okay. What about first names? I want it to be something brave and strong."

"I think we should name it when it's born. That way we won't name it something that doesn't fit." Keefe smirked.

"That's a little risky, but let's do it!"

"There's my feisty Foster!" Keefe laughed. "Now, can we go to Elwin, please! What if there's something wrong!"

"Fine! Let's go." Sophie held up the crystal Elwin had given her that would lead directly to the healing center. Keefe had teased her mercilessly about it. They glittered away.


"Well, if it isn't my two best patients!" Elwin said as he fed Bullhorn a bowl of something slimy that reminded Sophie way too much of throw up.

"Hey Elwin! Foster has something to tell you!" Keefe said, elbowing Sophie. Elwin raised his eyebrows. He put the bowl away and ed them to his lab.

The small room was filled with elixirs, odd ingredients, and beakers. Elwin had the mad scientist look down. "What has she gotten into this time?"

"Well, Keefe and I are" Sophie started to say, but Keefe cut her off.

"We're gonna have a little Keefester!" He said with his signature smirk.

"You mean you're..." Sophie nodded. "Well, looks like we'll be seeing even more of each other! And please tell me that isn't the name you picked out." Elwin said with a laugh.

"Much to Keefe's dismay, we haven't decided yet, except that we aren't doing the Keefester." Sophie grinned and put her arm around Keefe, who gave her a pouty face.

"Here, drink this, and this, and this, and this." Elwin said, piling Sophie's arms with elixirs. He ran to the other side of his office and got a bunch of tubes and crazy looking machines. "Lie on this cot and hold still." Elwin ran an odd gadget across Sophie's abdomen and smiled. "Looks like you have a healthy baby-"

"Wait! Don't tell us!" Sophie stopped him before he could tell her what gender their baby was. She remembered something from when she was with the humans. "When humans have babies, hey have a special party where they find out what they gender is by popping a balloon or eating cupcakes or something. If there's pink inside it's a girl. If it's blue, it's a boy."

"Let's do it! I have a great idea!" Keefe whispered something in Elwin's ear.

"Sounds good. I can get some for you." Elwin ducked back into his lab and started making something.

"What did you tell him?" Sophie asked Keefe. Keefe just smirked.

"You'll just have to wait and see."

Hi! See, I kept my promise! This chapter was longer! Yay! Okay, I'm going to try to keep these short, because I always find reading these things annoying, but I do want to say thanks for reading! I didn't expect anyone to ever read this, so this is really awesome!

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