Curiosity Killed The Cat.

Start from the beginning

Crystal watched from within a bush, her eyes widened and creased with tears as Lunar was knocked unconscious. She watched as the Mightyena walked over to the Umbreon, he picked him up on his back and disappeared into the bushes. Crystal sat there, crying after losing her newfound soul mate. She darted back into the main forest and ran into the centre, heading down Jinx's route. She burst through the door shouting Jinx's name. Jinx came rushing down a second later, "What happened? Are you ok?" She asked
"I am but Lunar isn't!" Crystal said, she began to cry again just thinking about the recent events,
"No way, he's dead!" Jinx said
"Now's not the time Jinx! He will be dead if we don't hurry!" Crystal shouted, tears streaming down her face, Jinx looked confused, "He's alive?" She asked, Crystal nodded. "What happened to him?" She asked,
"H-He got c-captured by a p-pack of Mightyenas, t-they left with him into t-the f-forest." Crystal said in between tears.
"Where were you when you were attacked?" 
"F-Far north, n-near the edge of the f-forest." Jinx looked on, forming a rescue plan, it would be hard considering the whole forest hates him, it would just have to be the three of them. "Wait here. I'll be back in a couple minutes." Jinx said, she left the house and darted towards Hypro's house, she told the Vaporeon the current situation and convinced the Water Type to help them.

Word apparently travels fast in Sugarcoat Forest, Ruby heard that an Umbreon had been attacked by a pack of Mightyena. That night she geared up and set off for the Mightyena territory, she was dressed in a black, skintight, fur-like cloth that made her look like an attempt at an Umbreon. She had poison needles strapped to the back of her right paw and sedative laced needles on the back of her left paw and medical equipment strapped to her hind thighs. She ventured stealthily into the Mightyena region, after the hour long walk to the edge of the forest, her loins were burning. To her luck, she had some contacts within the Mightyena territory, she headed towards a rough looking building and entered, a female Mightyena was sleeping soundly on a mattress, the Espeon gently nudged her. The wolf began to stir, she looked into Ruby's red eyes, "Who're you?" she tiredly asked, the Espeon replied,
"Ruby, I need a favour. Did your clanmates capture an Umbreon recently?" She asked
"Yeah, this afternoon actually, feisty one. Leader said he fainted his squadmates on the attack, he also said that they were about to capture his Glaceon friend but she got away before they had the chance."
"Okay, do you know where he is?" Ruby asked, the Mightyena nodded
"Back cave, in the side of the hill." She replied, Ruby nodded.
"I'm sorry about this."
"About wh-" The Espeon stabbed her neck with her left paw, the needle pierced her skin and she tried to scream but Ruby put her other arm around her mouth. He feeble attempts ceased as she fell asleep again. The sedative would erase her memory of this conversation.

She padded over to the hill that the Mightyena had highlighted and located the cave, she saw it was guarded by one wolf, she quickly thought of a plan and walked until she was right above the guard, she prepared a needle and jumped down, she held out her right paw as she landed on the guard, she needle dug into his neck as she wrapped a paw around his muzzle. The guard quickly became unconscious as the poison began to take effect. She walked into the cave and found an Umbreon, laying unconscious, she walked over and sniffed him, just to make sure she wasn't rescuing a random, unlucky Umbreon. She recognised his scent and lifted him onto her back. She silently made her way out of the cave and back through the way she came, leaving the territory. Her mission had been a success.

Crystal's team however, was just about to set out on that very same mission, only, under prepared and clueless as to where the Mightyena territory was.


Hello, sorry this chapter may seem rather shite. See, I'm really demotivated and not too sure about this chapter :/ It may be deleted and re-written. What do you think? Too fast? Idk, but Curiosity [Nearly] Killed The Cat.

Anyways I hope you somehow enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you soon! 

Why are you still here?

WHAT?! Oh yeah, I forgot about these...

Date Published - 19/02/20

Final Word Count - 1844 (Shortest chapter I think..?)
Time Taken to Write - roughly... 3-4 hours

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