Chapter 1

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The pain was unlike anything she had ever felt, even worse than having her soul ripped out and torn in two. Honestly there were no words to describe it.

It just hurt.

So damn bad.

Every breath seemed to rattle her core, every blink of her eyes seemed to drain her.

She was dying, slowly.


All because she was unworthy of being loved.

She had thought she was being silly, that just because Inuyasha didn’t want to be with her didn’t mean she would end up being alone.

Yet...not even he wanted her.

And she was supposed to be his imprint. His reason for being, the one thing that tied him to the earth.

Yet, she was jumping ahead of her self she supposed she should start at the beginning...

Her name was Kagome Higurashi and at the age of fifteen she had been pulled into a tale of magic, love, and betrayal.

It had taken her two years to finish her quest...two years to fix the mistake she had had made.

Two years to find out her happily ever after was just never going to come.

Not with Inuyasha.

He would always love Kikyo more, and she was okay with that.

Or so she told herself, a small voice in the back of her mind told her she wasn’t. That if she was she wouldn’t have jumped at the chance to flee Japan and her memories to live with an uncle and a cousin she hadn’t seen since her father had passed away all those years.

Yet she did.

She packed up and moved under the pretenses of furthering her education.

Deep down she knew the truth, she was running away. Hoping to start fresh,  to forget her past and become a new happier Kagome.

Things had started out fine, if not a bit awkward between her and her distant family. In no time they had fallen into a pattern. Get up, make breakfast, go to school come home clean and do homework then make dinner.

It was so easy to fall into the pattern that when they had changed it up one day it was frightening. She was loath to go to the beach, worried her scars would get her stared at and rumors started yet Bella had talked her into it.

If she had to go to the beaches of La Push so did she. Not the best reasoning but it worked.

They were known as the sullen cousins, since they were perfectly fine keeping to themselves. Yet Jacob Black, Bella’s childhood friend tried his best to get them to interact. By the time they had all settled around the bonfire they had all loosened up. Her more so than Bella but that was to be expected.

Bella had always been a sullen child and she was not trying to be mean but it was true. It was always her that had led them on their scant adventures as children. She had always been the leader and Bella the follower.

It was odd to let to the one following Bella now, after all these were her friends. Either way she would enjoy her time out, as unexpected as it had come about. It was a nice break from their usual routine and she was sad it was going to end soon.

Yet as they all got ready to put the fire out and finally disperse towards their own cars and go home he appeared.

Laughing as he approached them a girl under his arm. They all turned to face him, the girl was gigglely  loudly at something he whispered in her ear. She vaguely heard Jacob call him Paul...

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