Chapter 30 - Life in a Metro

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Alex – May 2007

I kissed my kids goodbye and headed to my car when I saw Anjali.

"Hey, Anjali, how are you? Where are you rushing off to today?"

"Just some errands I have to take care of," she quickly answered.

"You look like you're lying."

Anjali stopped walking. "Why do you say that?"

"Because you're chewing your bottom lip and your eyes look guilty. What are you really up to?" I asked again.

Anjali didn't respond; she looked around before saying, "Nothing serious."

"You don't have another doctor's appointment, do you?" I said stopping Anjali.

"No, nothing like that."

"Are you planning on carving Hindi curse words on the PTA President's car?" I asked as I noticed the PTA President's car parked near us.

Anjali burst out laughing. "Not everything I do involves cursing! I'm taking some me time!"

"Going to get a massage or your hair done?"

She hit me on my arm with her purse. "Ouch! No need to get physical."

"You make me sound like a spoiled high maintenance wench."

"Well, if the shoe fits the... You know I'm teasing. Seriously, where are you sneaking off to?"

She hesitated again.

"It's nothing you'd be interested in."

"How do you know that?"

"I'm sure you're not interested. It's kind of cheesy."

"Now I'm intrigued, what do I not like that's cheesy, hhhmm."

We kept walking as she smiled at me but there was mischief in her eyes.

"I have to go home and get ready."

"For what?"

"You really want to know?"

"Yes, I really want to know."

Anjali confessed, "I'm going to watch a Bollywood movie in Jackson Heights. I have to make the ten am show in order to be back in time to pick up the kids."

Surprised at her answer I didn't respond. Anjali stared at me before saying, 'Yes, you can laugh at me and tell me what a waste of time that is."

"What's so embarrassing about watching a Bollywood movie?"

"You want me to list all the reasons, let's see they're not realistic. They're cheesy, people break out into songs in the middle of nowhere, the hero can beat up an army without a scratch, and did I mention they are incredibly long."

"If it's so bad why are you going to see one?"

"Because I love watching Bollywood movies and Raj hates them. I have to sneak around to watch them."

"What are you going to go see?"

"Life in a Metro."

"I thought you were seeing a Hindi movie?"

"I am."

"The title doesn't sound very Hindi?" I questioned.

"I know the title is in English, but the movie is definitely in Hindi."

"What time is the showing?"


"Oh yeah, you already told me."

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