Chapter 2 - A Sketch

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Anjali – March 1993

"Anjali, I want to draw you after we've made love. Do you have any idea how sexy and gorgeous you look after we've been together? Your messy hair, your puffy lips, your droopy eyes, and your sweet smell make me crazy."

"You want to draw me?" I asked Josh as I pushed his floppy sandy blond hair that kept falling onto his forehead out of the way, so I could watch his deep green eyes when he spoke to me. His long and lanky body was lying next to me in the small twin bed in my dorm room.

"Yes, a pencil sketching of you. I'm taking this class and we have to draw something elegant and..." he paused as he ran his thumb over my lips and then down the center of my body sending shivers up me, "... that could only be you."

"I can't believe you're taking an art class our senior year. What were you thinking?"

"The same thing I was thinking when I took the Asian History class last year?" Josh teased.

"So, there's someone in your art class you're chasing!" I said as I hit him on the head with one of my stuffed animals.

Josh turned to lie on top of me. "You're the only one I'm chasing," he said his eyes twinkling. "I took the Asian History class, so I could find out more about you. I'm taking the art class, so I can draw you," he said seductively.

"I still can't believe you followed me into that class. Did you really walk in because of me?" I asked disbelievingly.

"I'm serious. I saw you on the first day of classes and I followed you. It was a big class no one noticed I didn't belong. I added it to my load right after class let out. I signed up to meet you, but the bonus is that I liked the class too."

"You're crazy," I said. It had been a year since we started dating. I was hesitant to date someone non-Indian, but Josh was persistent, handsome and sexy. I believed this could work.

"Can I draw you?"

"No. I don't want you drawing me for everyone to see."

"I'll hide your features and we'll make sure the sheets are draped appropriately. I want to capture you. Let me draw you and if you don't approve, I'll draw an apple instead or something."

"You are not drawing me naked!"

"You will not be naked, a sheet will cover you," Josh said innocently.

"My answer is no. You'll have to find a willing apple."

"I'll get Katherine to convince you," Josh threatened.

"There is no way Katherine will convince me to pose nude for you!"

"She convinced you to go out with me, so it's worth a try."

"Good luck," I teased back.

"Fine, don't pose for me, instead let's do something crazy for graduation." Josh said as he started to undress me.

"Hmmm, what did you have in mind?"

"Let's travel together. Take me somewhere exotic. Somewhere you haven't been. I applied for a passport and I want to use it. I want to make my first overseas trip with you."

He kissed my bare shoulders. "We can sleep in youth hostels and trek around. Then I want to make love to you in crazy places that we will both remember for the rest of our lives."

"How will I pull that off? My parents will never allow me to go with you. They don't even know about you."

"Our friends can join us, and then you can say you're going with a group of friends. Come on."

"Assuming I can pull this off, where would we go?"

Josh ran his hands down my legs and to my foot and massaged the bottom of my foot, "How does Italy sound?"

"Don't stop doing that it feels incredible. I had no idea you were such a good masseuse."

"I thought you experienced the magic of my hands by now." He said as kissed the instep of my foot.

I moaned. "I've been to Italy, but I don't remember getting massages like this. I should go back."

Josh moved his hands up my calves. "No, it has to be someplace new to both you and me."

His kisses moved up my calves, and he straightened out my leg and dropped kisses along the inside of my leg starting from my ankle moving up my thigh. "Your leg reminds me of Chile. Long, slim and sexy. What do you think of Chile?"

"It's a possibility. I've never been there. But keep brainstorming. I'm not ready to settle yet." I panted.

Josh moved his fingers and his lips to the outside of my hips and dropped kisses around the curve of my hip and then up the side of my waist. "What about Vietnam? It's shaped like an S like your curves."

"That's a contrast from Chile

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"That's a contrast from Chile. How can you want to go to such different countries?" I gasped as his hand slid over the flat of my belly.

"I'm flexible." He kissed my heart and drew the shape of a heart over my real heart. "They say Tasmania is shaped like a heart. We could go there so I can show you how much I love you."

I slapped the back of him. "Now you're getting corny."

"So, you prefer sexy over corny?" And with that he grasped my nipple in his mouth and sucked on it while holding my hands over my head.

"Now what country are we on?" I panted.

"Sri Lanka. It's the shape of a teardrop. Your nipples remind me of Sri Lanka."

"I've been there before, but I want to go back," I said as I arched my body into his.

"No." He said as he pulled away from me and opened a condom.

He rolled on the condom but kept his body lifted above mine not touching me and driving me crazy.

"We need to find a place," he whispered in my ear as he teased me by touching me and feeling how wet I was. I was more than ready for him and I didn't care where we went. I just wanted him to continue.

"Come on, you haven't even given me one suggestion. That's not fair. You're the one that's traveled. Pick a place you want to go but haven't been."

I wrapped my leg around his waist trying to push him closer to me.

"You're cheating," he said while keeping strong and not letting me pull him down.

"Josh, you're playing hard to get," I said as I looked into his green eyes.

"Come on, Anjali; give me one place, before you drive me crazy."

I laughed; glad to learn he was as affected as me.

"I've always wanted to climb Mount Kilimanjaro."

"Oh god, Anjali, finally!" He said right before he entered me.

Silently Falling in Love: Again (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now