Mission 7

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Besides hiring an Italian bum as a manager, Dante didn't make bad decision... okay he didn't make a lot of bad decisions... okay, we don't talk of the broom thing. Anyway the moment Dante picked up the orb, he knew it was a bad decision. It made him feel weak, and he couldn't help but fall to his knees. The girl ran to his side, knowing something was wrong, trying to help him up and went to grab the orb herself, which he stopped her from doing. Dante found it hard to move or do much of anything, but he couldn't risk something happening to her. It could be worse. To add salt to the injury, the jesters laugh began to ring in their ears. The girl looked around to find him behind them, she jumped a little and as defense covered Dante with herself.

"This is amazing!" The clown let out, "even the devil boy is no match for it!" The clown came closer, and in annoyance Dante pushed out of the girl's grasp and grabbed the clown, putting a gun to his nose. "You're not going to shoot me are you? If you do, I'll die you know" Dante seriously hated how he treated him like an idiot, and honestly, he might shoot him just cause he's annoying. There's a growing list of why Dante hates this guy.

"If that's what it will take to shut you up... it bugs the crap out of me when someone talks more than I do..." Dante said in a low tone, which would probably be good for ASMR.

"Don't act so rashly, my boy. I've got a doozy of a story for you, but if you snuff out my voice like that, I won't be able to tell it, now, will I?" Dante just threw the clown, growing more weak with the passing seconds. Everything felt hot and he also felt light headed.. maybe it was the heat of the lava room finally getting to him, no... it was defiantly the orb. The jester began to fan himself, thanking his good fortune. "You saw it too, didn't you? That huge tower jutting out of the ground?" Unlike the monster that just passed, Dante could see. "That thick shaft that causes women to shudder" the girl just tilted her head and Dante took this moment to grab her and pull her into him. He may be a douche at times but he respects women. "It's actually a tunnel, linking the demonic Dorman to the human world. And of course, your brother, Vergil is the one who controls it with your mommy's amulet." Dante rolled his eyes, really not feeling up to an exposition episode- wait a minute

"Amulet?" He asked

"He's heading to the control room in the basement~" the clown cooed in a sing songy voice. "If you don't hop down there quick like a bunny, he'll open the gate to hell!" He suddenly screamed. Dante felt like he was either dying or had the flu. It felt awful and this clown was not helping. "Isn't that a scary thought?"

"And you're telling me this because..?" Dante just wanted him to get to the chase, he really needed to do something about the whole dying thing.

"Oops, I forgot to mention one teeny wittle item. That gizmo there is actually the KEY to move forward. But the tricky thing is, it sucks he souls of those who hold it. So I think you better hurry!" Well that made sense, no wonder he felt like death. Then the clown left in a big laugh "But in return for your soul, it'll give you power! Marvelous isn't it? Just let your young spirit drive you and go for it!" Okay now he was gone. The girl helped Dante up as he commented,

"Wish you would've told me that in the first place, ya big mouthed moron!" Suddenly, Dante went into his devil trigger, which sent the girl flying back a little. He looked at her for a second but had no time to loose, Jester had taken up so much time that he would die soon if he didn't hurry. He began to sprint toward the door, and surprisingly it didn't take her long to catch up to him.

They got back on the train and had no choice but to wait, but they killed the wait by murdering all the demons that came at them, some even dropped some energy that he could absorb to hopefully live longer. They really were on a time crunch though, they couldn't fight demons all day. Finally the ride ended and he speeded off out the door, but the next door was locked. The duo had no choice but to fight more. This was starting to stress Dante a little, considered his LIFE was at STAKE. He took a running start toward the demons and slashed straight into them, throwing them back. This didn't kill them but it did hurt them. The girl jumped and slashed one right in the head. He slashed the other one and they ran out the door. After leaving that room they just ran, they didn't even know where they were going. While running the girl noticed that the dead body was gone, but there was no time to mention it right now. She'd have to say something later- Dante pushed her out of the way of a demons swing, just barely getting missed himself. He blocked the demons scythe and stabbed it, killing it. The run continued. Once exiting and reaching, Dante bended over, feeling his body hurt horribly. It was either burning or collapsing, maybe exploding. That's what it felt like to him. The orb suddenly shot out of his chest and into the hole on the other side of the bridge. The bridges moved once again, in what seemed to be the original way Dante found it.

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