"With it being so close to Christmas - and thanks to the advanced notice - we did some Christmas shopping for you. Perhaps you'd like to open your gifts later?" Tanya asked pleasantly, the change of topic dispelling the tension in the air.

"That sounds lovely. You all didn't need to get me anything, I feel bad for not returning the favor," I said.

Kate waved a hand dismissively. "Please, you know we don't need anything, kitten. We're much happier that you decided to visit, it's a much better gift than any material thing you could offer us."

"Alright," I said, knowing she had a point. When you could have anything and everything money could buy, memories were far more precious.

"Excellent." Kate grinned, her teeth almost blindingly white. "I was expecting you to fight more on that. Perhaps sometime tomorrow; you still need to eat and you're no doubt exhausted from your journey."

"You hit the nail on the head with that one, Kate. I could do with a warm meal and a shower," I said. The several hours of travel seemed to stick to me despite the fact that I wasn't dirty.

"I'll get you something, sombrita, you stay by the fireplace where it's warm," Auntie Carmen ordered when she saw I was about to shed the blanket and stand. Marcus drew me closer into his side in a silent show of agreement.

"Thank you, tia. Whatever you have on hand is fine," I assured her.

"I was thinking soup. That will get you warmer than that hot chocolate of yours already has!" She smiled at me in a motherly sort of way before disappearing off down the hall where the kitchen lay.

"So what do you have planned for Christmas back in Volterra, Rowan?" Irina asked. "I remember parts of the castle being rather festive during my visit."

"Well, apart from no real Christmas feast because I live with vampires, pretty much as normal a Christmas as you can imagine. You know, a tree, presents, stockings, and so on."

"Don't forget the mistletoe," Marcus remarked, his red eyes sparkling with mirth.

I laughed. "How could I? Yeah, and mistletoe."

"Ah, mistletoe. The best part of Christmas," Kate said with a smirk.

"What about you? What do you have planned?"

"About the same. Just not quite as much mistletoe," Tanya said, shooting me a wink.

"Hey, I'm sure I could set you up with one of the guard. Demetri is single," I said, wiggling my eyebrows suggestively.

Tanya rolled her eyes. "Please, Demetri wishes he was anywhere close to being in my league."

A distinctly loud but muffled, "Hey!" filtered in from somewhere else within the house. No doubt he had raised his voice for my benefit, and perhaps also to make a point.

I laughed, knowing full well that Demetri was not at all offended by the slight. "Worth a shot, right? Kate?"

"I'm good," she said, still laughing. "I've missed having you around, hot stuff."

"Here's your soup, Rowan! It is nice and hot, be careful," Auntie Carmen cautioned, exchanging the large bowl of soup for my now-empty mug of hot chocolate. I doubted the aftertaste of the sweet drink would combine well with the chicken noodle soup, but my stomach growled and I was too hungry to wait for some water to wash away the chocolate. I wrinkled my nose at the taste of chicken and chocolate together.

"Is it not good?" Auntie Carmen asked worriedly.

"No, no, it's quite good! But it doesn't mix well with hot chocolate," I said, taking another spoonful of soup. "It's delicious now that the taste of chocolate is gone."

Tenebrous ↠ Volturi Kings {1} ✓Where stories live. Discover now