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"For the record, I think this is a very bad idea," Edward said, his fingers tight against the steering wheel.

I rolled my eyes from where I sat, sprawled out in the backseat. "It'll be fine, Ed. You know the wolves don't harm humans."

"Yeah. It's just Jacob," Bella inputted, reaching out to squeeze one of Edward's hands. He responded instantly to her touch, twining his fingers through hers.

"We won't be long, regardless. I don't want to make the guard too uneasy," I said.

He let out a sharp, unneeded breath as Jacob's car came into view. Jacob was leaned against the hood, clad only in jean shorts and sneakers. I wondered if his lack of a shirt was partially in his fruitless attempt at pursuing Bella.

Edward snarled at my thought, and Bella jumped. "What, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, sorry," he said softly. "Just one of Rowan's thoughts."

"Sorry," I said, as Edward's Volvo slowed to a stop. I swung out of it as soon as Edward put it in park, standing with him as Bella greeted Jacob.

I love Bella, but is she seriously oblivious to Jacob's thing for her? I thought, knowing Edward was listening.

He raised a shoulder in a shrug. "Your guess is as good as mine. Be careful down there, okay? And keep an eye on Bella."

"She's safer with me than you," Jacob drawled, his smug expression clearly irritating Edward.

I placed a hand on Edward's arm. "That's enough. Jacob, let's go. Bella let the secret slip, so we're only here long enough for me to chat with Sam and Jared."

"Fine," Jacob sighed, and I crossed the treaty line reluctantly to climb into Jacob's car. Jacob didn't drive nearly as fast as any of the Cullens, leaving Jacob ample time to complain about how much I "smelled like leech".

"Jacob?" I said, after the fifth consecutive time that he remarked this, "Kindly shut the hell up."

Mercifully, he left me alone after this and instead focused his attention solely on Bella, who didn't seem to mind. Still, the car ride felt very long and I was thankful when I was able to clamor out as soon as Jacob slowed it to a stop.

"You're that kid the Cullen adopted!" One said, after greeting both Jacob and Bella. He didn't seem quite as thrilled to meet me.

"That would be me," I drawled, refusing to be intimidated. I knew that was what they wanted. "Which one are you?"

"I'm Quill," he said. "Jake tell you that Sam and Jared want to talk to you?"

"Bella did, that's why I'm here," I said.

"This is Sam's house, you can come on in. He's on patrol, but Jared is here so you can hang out while you wait for him to get back," Quill said.

"Great," I said, doing my best to be friendly even as Quill mentioned that I stunk of vampire. "Yeah, that is what happens when you live with them."

"What's that like?" he asked curiously.

I shrugged. "Like any other family, except they don't eat or sleep. It was weird at first, but it doesn't bother me now. Plus, it helps to have them around when I'm doing homework."

"I never thought of that," he remarked, holding the door for me. I entered first, instantly getting the total attention of the room. Not many wolves were present: only four, including Quill and Jacob. "This is the Cullen kid, guys. Rowan, meet Paul and Jared."

"Pleasure," I said, offering them nods in turn. Jared returned the offered nod; Paul, however, simply snarled at me and brushed past as he headed outside.

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