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"Where to?" Marcus asked.

I paused for a moment, watching the bustle. "We should go find Bella, and I want to say hello to Angela. Aro, Caius, you can go hang in my room for a little while if you'd like, just make sure no one sees you go in."

"I'd rather stick with you," Caius said, and when it was evident that Aro felt the same and the two weren't going anywhere, I simply shrugged.

"Alright. Just follow my lead, then, but try not to act like stalkers." We went up the stairs, where I found Bella chatting with Angela and Jessica.

"Oh my gosh, Rowan! I thought you'd never get here, I've already been here for like ten minutes!" Jessica gushed, not-so-subtly eyeing up Marcus. "Hi, I'm Jessica!"

"I'm Marcus," he said politely, and didn't extend a hand.

"Hey, guys! This is Marcus, my boyfriend," I said with a smile, hugging all three girls. "Marcus, this is Angela and Jessica. You already know Bella, of course."

He dipped his head. "It's a pleasure."

"Changed already?" I asked Bella in amusement.

She laughed, a slightly uncomfortably sound. "You know me and dresses don't agree."

"Yeah, okay," I told her, bumping against her hip. "I'm just saying a good dress is one way to get your boyfriend's attention."

"And you're leading by example?" she asked, a teasing smile on her face.

I smacked her. "Shut up."

"Bella, what did you think of my speech? Too easy-breezy, too self-helpful, you hated it?" Jessica asked her.

Bella stared. "No, you pretty much nailed it."

Along with Angela's encouragement, that was clearly all the prompting Jessica needed. "It's like I was born to lead, right?"

I snorted softly as Angela waved and dragged Jessica away to dance. "See you later, Rowan!"

"Later, Angela!" I waved and tucked myself into Marcus's side. I glanced at Bella. "Can you believe her?"

She laughed. "I know, right? But she means well."

"If you say so. Where's Edward?"

"I don't know, to be honest. Downstairs, maybe?" Bella's eyes widened as she was distracted by something behind her. "Um, Caius-"

I glanced back. "Ah, shit. Caius, you need to go put in new contacts, your eyes are red."

"Not now, I smell wolf," he said with a scowl.

"Caius, please-" I started. Aro growled, cutting me off as his eyes focused on the staircase. I turned, meeting the eyes of Jacob Black. "Oh, son of a bitch."

"Good to see you too, Rowan," Jacob drawled, lifting a lip at the three vampires. "Didn't know you were housing more bloodsuckers."

"He has red eyes," Embry hissed, glaring at Caius with unadulterated hatred.

"Remember which side of the treaty line you're on, Embry Call," I warned, narrowing my eyes. Marcus stood in front of me, shielding me from the wolves. I stepped away from him.

"Okay, that's enough. You were preparing to leave anyway, weren't you, Rowan?" Bella asked hastily.

I offered Jacob a sneer. "I won't be driven out of my own house by mutts."

"Watch your tongue," Jacob spat. This time, all three of my mates growled at him.

"Whatever you're thinking, Jacob Black, it is a very bad idea," I said, pushing aside my anger and fixing him with a cool, steely gaze. "Now let us pass."

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