chapter titles pt.2

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' to help you give
your chapters
interesting names '


No call no show

You only live once, unless you're [characters name]
You only live once, unless you're a(n) [characters last name]

Acts of war

New beginning

Officer friendly

The good guys

For [characters name]

I'm bitter and I won't stop whining

The broken ribs poked our lungs

Angels and outcasts

Plan D for dumbass

[characters name] and [other characters name] don't like kids

I totally like women

Karaoke is the only thing we gays have left

I came, I saw, I left

It's unnecessary but it establishes power

Ironically alive

Previously on: chaotic and stupid

Alcohol is, in fact, a coping mechanism

I live for destruction

The dark side of ambition

Ability acquired: existential crisis

God won't forgive me for my sins

A few for the thousands

For the greater good

Once in a while, even the elders are wrong

Now would be a good time to be anyone but [characters name]

Somebody get my mom

There she goes with the chancla

Death comes to all of us (except, of course, to Tom Hanks)

There are no bad ideas, except for everything you just said

Fire and blood

Fate had other plans

The gang finds a dead guy

Go east on sunset until you reach the gates of hell

Live together, die alone

The things they say when you're not around

Becoming friends with the devil

What a nice way to commit mass murder

A is for anxiety

B is for backstabbing cunt

C is for crying

D is for dying

F is for fuck this shit

A series of horrible decisions

Third base is calming my panic attack

Once again, credit isn't necessary but is appreciated :)

update: I deleted a couple chapter names because I'm 99% sure I was high when I wrote this.

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