The Nightmares Are Back

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A/N: Welcome! Spoiler alert Amy is gay. And yes for all who are wondering Amy is eighteen and still in high school, she did an extra year.

You would think all her nightmares happened when she was asleep. But the worst ones took place while she was wide awake. Her worst fares would have made known to her when she wasn't in her deep sleep, everything she fared was coming at her one after the other. She knew she knew deep down that is inevitable, whether she liked it or not.
Man up and face your fears Amy.

After another long day I needed my rest

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After another long day I needed my rest. But I was almost sure I wouldn't get that knowing I'm sleeping at my house and my parents are the loudest people around town.
No matter what I was determined to get some sleep. I was to tired I had to play loud, up beat music in my car to keep me awake it was a while before I reached home in this traffic.

I'm in traffic, a nice little stand still. When my phone rang, I almost threw it out the window when I saw that it was Cameron calling me.
He has some nerve calling my phone, after how he reacted over some stupid prank. He really said some hurtful things and knowing him I knew he meant it. There was nothing he could do to make me forget that he called me a slut.
Wondering what the prank was?

I told him I was pregnant and it was fr another guy and stuff. His response was:
"Seriously Amy! Out of every dumb shit you could do? Serves your cheating ass right. You such a slut!"
I even tried to calm him down and let him know it was a stupid prank but he kept saying I'm gonna get a baby before I leave High school and that will be the reason I won't graduate not because I'm the dumbest person alive. I could tell it was all bottled up ever since I told him I was having sex with someone else.
I hated him now more than ever. I never thought I'd reach the point that I would hate the 'love of my life'. It didn't just start with this ever since we got back together things have gone south, and it's really hard talking to him.

I wake up from me thoughts when I notice I missed the call. I let out a small sigh feeling relieved, just for the phone to ring again. I decided to pick up, but that was probably the worst thing I could have done. He started to ask me if I was serious and if I was really going to leave him alone, after all we've been threw. I have had enough, I had my reasons for cheating in the first place he pushed me away. All I wanted was to be there for him but u guess some other bitch was.

"Get the fuck off my phone my phone! We are not friends anymore we'll never be what we were I owned to my shit and apologized in every way possible. But you went ahead and made everything worst. I fucking hate you your a bitch. Don't ever call me again!" I managed to scream all of that out at him. I was so pissed I really loved him, but despite having sex with Lucas and having unknown feelings for Lucas I never lost feelings for Cameron. I think maybe, just maybe there'll be a space in my heart for him for ever and ever amen.
Well maybe not, he's human he has fucked up as much as I did maybe I'll be able to forget about him in due time.

"Babe please!" He begged me breaking the silence. "I forgave you for cheating on me, at least try to forgive me for saying what I said?"
I didn't answer, I waited for him to continue. He didn't.

"Are you done?" I asked rolling my eyes, even though he couldn't see them.

"Amy, please answer me, just....just try and take me back" he continued to beg.
Why is he doing this to himself.

"Cameron, you know your not happy with me. You know I cheated for reading that will remain unknown to you and everyone else" I paused feeling an ache in my heart. "I don't love you anymore and you know it, and Even if I did which I don't. It's kind of pointless to keep going if the love is one sided. Well in not sure if you even love me" I almost broke into tears at the thought

"Amy, I..." He tried to say before I cut him

"No I'm sorry, I shouldn't have forced us back together that was wrong on my part, I'm sorry let's just pretend this never happened?"

"Seriously Amy no!" He got angry

"I'm sorry bye Cameron" I hung up before hearing what ever else had to say. My nightmare 2.0 was in full effect.


I almost got an heart attack I fucking forgot I was in traffic, the light had gone green and I didn't notice. I quickly beeped my horn and drove off.

Going around the last block before I reached my house I saw a girl on the corner, I slowed down to look at her properly. She had shiny black hair with red tips, she wore a shiny red dress with silver heels.
Who wear silver heels? Seriously who?
She had red lipstick to compliment the dress, her lips were thick. You could even see her amazing curves showing up threw the dress.

I couldn't help but stop at her foot. I rolled down my window, still mesmerized by her beauty.
"Hey cutie!" I greeted "you're not from here are you? Never seen you here before"

"Uhmm" that was all she could let out "I'm lost, my boyfriend dumped me and left me here"

" You want a ride? You can spend the night at my place my parents won't mind," my parents won't mind cause they aren't at home for another month. I leaned over and opened the passenger door to let her in.
She climbed in without a word and calmly shut the door.
She's the first girl that ever shut that damn door like I normal human being.

"I'm Amy, I attended the..." I tried to say before she cut me off

"I know who you are Amy Burke right? We go to the same school" she spoke with a little light in her voice.

She knows me wow, "how do you know me? Uhmm what's your name again?"

She smiled at me peacefully and looked up at me "aren't you gonna drive sweet cakes?"


"Anyway" she continued looking ahead of her "you are Cameron's girlfriend right?"

Appointed time to bring that up sexy chick "Was Cameron's girlfriend we broke up"

"Yeah whatever you guys are gonna get back together soon" I waited for her to continue I knew something else was coming " y'all live each other till death do y'all part right?"

"Wrong, good things must come to an end puddin' " I replied looking at her from the corner of my eye.

"Enough of that, niggas ain't shit either way. Oh by the way my name is Jessica Anderson"

Well I made a new friend today!

A/N: Thanks for reading my lovlies hope you enjoyed. Yeah remember not to comment on my spelling and grammar.
And yes I changed Amy's age to eighteen it makes more sense

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