The love of Amy

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A/N: Welcome to a sexless chapter of part one of Amy trying to figure her feelings out.

She knew she loved him, it was an accident and she knew it. She always had feelings for him but gradually they grew, can Amy really handle Lucas as her boyfriend? Or should she just wait, wait until he's ready for her. He did tell her she had a few years before he took her seriously. She's still unsure of his feelings for her, she's afraid, afraid if she tells him what's up, she'd get hurt, he'd probably reject her.
Yes he cared about her, and yes he's here to make her better. But does he love her though, and if he does can Amy really handle the amount of love he can give her? It's always been Amy and Lucas brother and sister but can it be Amy and Lucas boyfriend and girlfriend. Can Amy leave Cameron for Lucas? I mean she just got Cameron back, but she thinks she loves Lucas.

What is love Amy?

Amy's POV

"Amy do you love Lucas?" My brother sat beside me outside and asked me.
I couldn't answer so I just sat there.

It kills me I hate Lucas for moving away, but I can't have him forever he's not my boyfriend and u til I'm ready he will never be. I always thought I was the one waiting on him to take me seriously but when I look at it. It's better I talked to him.

I called Lucas the other night and we were talking away about random weird stuff, until he decided to break the ice and bring my sister into this.

I didn't mention I had I sister did I? She gets under my skin sometimes and I really can't stand the sight of her at the moment.

He made sure to bring it up, he knew I hated the while idea, she wanted to talk to him apologise for whatever it was she did but at the end of the day I didn't want him to. I didn't want them to become friends again.
Was I threatened by them? Or was I just jealousy about the relationship they were building? It doesn't matter u still hated them being together I didn't want them to be a couple. He's fucking me and if he's gonna fuck anyone else it better not be her, or I'm done I'd be so fucking done.
She knew how I felt about Lucas since day one, but since it's all about her I let her have her way, I stepped back I was a good little sister and gave my sister the benefit of the doubt. I knew deep down I didn't want them dating I didn't want them being a couple.

But. But. But.
The buts....

She was my sister and I love her I'd do anything to make her happy even give up my happiness for the sake of hers. That's how much I love her. But she doesn't seem to care about my feelings at all and I know all that now, it really still doesn't change the fact that I love her, but I hate her now.
I shouldn't.
Or should I?

Lucas knew how I felt about him, he gave me the chance and I didn't know what to do, and I blew it. He liked her I know he did he even told me himself, and I just backed away and let them have there fun. Who was I to take two people that care about each other away from each other?

I love them both but I know at the end of the day my sister was going to be the one getting hurt.

"Mark?" I finally decided to let out after what seemed to be days of silence.

"Yeah Amy? What's up?" He answered worried.


"Come on Amy, talk to me"

No no Lucas says that, not him, why would he say that. Lucas always wanted me to talk, especially when I didn't want to. Mark knows I didn't want to talk about this, but it's good I guess I should 'talk' Lucas says not to bottle up my feelings and since my feelings are about him better I say it to someone that's not him, since he already knows.

"Uhmm Mark uhh do you think Aly would be upset if she found out I am having sex with Lucas?" I try to squeeze out without starting to cry like a bitch.

"Your doing what? Amy!" I didn't think he'd react this way I tried to look as innocent as possible my baby eyes always calmed him down.

"Yes. Mark. I'm having sex with Lucas,get over it and help me, and no we aren't dating" I bit back, maybe I shouldn't have been so loud.



"I don't mind you guys having sex I'm just shocked, I didn't think you'd have sex with someone your sister also had sex with" he said in a calm voice

My heart ached I wish I never knew this.i asked her and she lied to me she fucking lied to me. This bitch, thus fucking bitch.

"The- they di-did what?" I almost yeld but tried I tried to keep calm.

Mark responded with the least amount of sympathy in his voice "They had sex, well kinda it was short and not spontaneous. I thought she told you, since she told me"

"Well ohkay, she lied to me she fucking lied to me" I began to get upset at the thought "I asked her I begged her to be honest, but she lied right in my face, that Bitch!"

He looked shocked "wait you asked her and she said she didn't?"

"Yup bitch"

" She knew you liked him why would she lie? Maybe she thought..."
I cut him off

"Whatever she thought she thought wrong. She should have told me, yes I'd be a bit hurt you know feeling a bit weird but at least, at least she told me right? That to find out otherwise, I trusted her answer I didn't believe at first but I took her words over my feelings because wasn't with them."

Mark remained silent. I think he's probably getting all weird about telling me. Bit I am glad he did.

"And Lucas Lucas didn't tell me"

"He did Amy he did"

"When? Mark when?"

"You haven't been really talking to him, look at your Instagram messages"

I took up my phone off the swinging chair that we were on and went on Instagram and saw he had texted me a little paragraph telling me exactly what happened. I felt light I felt better, that it came from him I felt great knowing he told me, I couldn't help but smile. But I was still pissed at Aly for not telling me, I wanted to kill her.

"You should call him"

"Why? What for?"

"You know you miss him especially since he's moved away for work, And when he's back and forth you'll have school and classes and stuff. You miss him, I can see it. You guys have been like this forever and when you guys are apart you miss him more than anything in this world. Amy" he paused and look up at me "talk to him about this since it's bothering you.

My brother cares about me probably more than I do about myself just like Lucas.

A/N: thanks for reading my lovlies. Hope you enjoyed my sexless chapter! If there is any errors bare with me sister is tired

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