The Intro

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A/N: This chapter is just kind of an introduction, so it's pretty short

Hey! I'm Amy Burke. Kinda hate my name it's just meh, eww. But unique in its own way cause nobody my age or nationality even has that name.
My parents are retarded.
Speaking of them. I hate their asses, I mean they are just my foster parents but uggh,they really get to me sometimes.
I have a boyfriend well had, his name is Cameron, we were together for two years n 4 months. We broke up cause I cheated and funny enough he did too, were kind of still friends but whatever. I could honestly care less.
  I'm in my last year of high school, business and science student, I do visual arts.
And ughh school is just a waste if my fucking time, I could just be a stripper. I started having sex in the ninth grade with Cameron he took my virginity, and boooyyyyy, now having sex with Lucas I wish I didn't have to fuck Cameron but I'm glad he did, save Lucas the trouble.

Oh breaking my hymen

  Oh my gosh I'm horrible, God just send my ass to hell.

You'll get to know me more later down.
Enjoy my miserable sextastic life. Ha! See what I did there.
Probably didn't.

A/N: Thank you for reading! Hope you liked my first chapter
I'm trying

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