"Hey its my turn now, stop avoiding the question." I smirked slightly at the game he'd started to play.

"Fine, yes I called you Fluff. Now it's my turn, what song?" He was grinning.

"Numb by Linkin Park. Why did you call me Fluff?" I said sticking to the game.

"Cause of you're hoodie. Since when do you Linkin Park?" Nighmare exclaimed.

"I've been obsessed with them for years. What music do you like?"

"I like MCR, Evanescence, and 21 Pilots. Who do you like?" He asked

"I like Panic! At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, MCR, and obviously Linkin Park." I yawned for a third time

"Oh my god, we're so emo." Nightmare laughed.

"I know right!" I joined in with him.

Its weird, I've never seen Nighmare so... Relaxed? Calm? Not stern? I don't think I've ever seen Nightmare properly laugh and smile like he's doing now. So why is he doing it now? What's changed?

"Hey Cross?" Nightmare said suddenly serious.

"Yeah?" I asked, slightly skeptical about his sudden change in tone.

"Are you ok? You seem, tired." When I looked into his eyes, it was unclear but I thought I could see a hint of concern.

"Yeah, I'm a bit tired, well a lot tired but I'm fine." I shrugged dismissively.

"Why don't you get some rest or something?" He asked stiffly, I could tell he wasn't used to this sort of thing.

"Nah, I won't be able to get to sleep anyway."

"Fair enough. You wanna watch something, he said gesturing at the TV in the corner of the room.

"Sure, what d'ya wanna watch?" I asked him.

"Im not picky, but there's a bunch of movies in that cupboard." He was now pointing to another corner of the room which held all sorts, from movies to CD's, books to shoes and stationary to old consoles. I walked over and started searching through the mess of items to find some movies. There was all sorts: old, black and white horror movies, like Phyco; classic franchises like the original Star Wars trilogy; new action movies, like the Marvel and DC movies; there was even some Romance and Rom-Com, which surprised me, I definitely didn't expect Nightmare to have Romance movies. In the end I settled for Star Wars A New Hope. The forth one...well the first one ever made but the forth episode. Its confusing.

"How's this?" I asked holding the DVD case up for Nightmare to see it.

"Sure, whatever floats your boat." He replied casually.

I put the movie in and let it run. Me and Nightmare were both sat on a small sofa, Nightmare was leaning against one side and I was sat Cross legged in the middle, I didn't want to get too close to Nightmare, but I also didn't want him to think I was trying to sit as far away from him as possible, so I'd tried to position myself perfectly in the middle... It's possible I was overthinking this.

Nightmare's POV
I watched Cross put movie in, I'd never really been a fan of any movies other than Horror, most of the movies in the cupboard were Dreams anyway, but I didn't mind watching whatever Cross wanted. I'm still not sure if I believe that he was just singing to himself. I don't know why it bothered me that Cross was keeping secrets, it shouldn't he just a friend, it's not like I'd be jelouse if Cross was keeping someone secret.

...Time Skip Cause Why Not...

My eyes felt heavy and I was struggling to keep them open at this point, non of us had really slept that much in the past few days. Just as my eyes stared to close I felt a weight on my shoulder, I turned to see Cross asleep and leaning on me. What am I supposed to do in this situation!? I didn't want to move and wake up Cross cause he's had little to no sleep recently, but on the other hand... Well are there actually any downsides to this? I was still tired anyway so I didn't really want to move.

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