"I'll talk to you about it when I get back." She said hurriedly and I nodded closing the door. Sighing I make my way into the kitchen. I was starving. I stop short when I see how clean the kitchen is. It was never too dirty in here because I never really cooked but I could tell that Brandy just recently cleaned it. Going to the refrigerator I open it and smile when I see leftover food there. Pulling out the food I warm it up and eat. Alone. I almost forgot how boring and lonely it was here. Working was consuming a lot of my time. After I finished eating I made my way to the livingroom where I flipped on the tv and found a movie but before I could get into it, it was watching me sleep instead. I woke to someone calling my name. I look to find Racheal standing in the entrance of the livingroom watching me.

"You work too much you know that?"

"Story of my life." I sat up. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to talk to Brandy, but I see she isn't here."

"She said she had to work." I said then frowned. How was she working if Racheal was here in my livingroom? "You got her running errands or something?"

"No. Brandy is off work today with me." She said and my frown only depend.

"Why she tell me she had to work today then?"

"Maybe realtor work? That girl is always on the go." I looked at her suprised.

"Shes working two jobs?" She nodded her head. "Since when did she get a realtor job?"

"I don't know. She didnt go into deatails with it. But she did say she had a client. Two actually."


"Yes. Girl where have you been? This girl has been on a ball."

"Work. I guess." I say with a frown. I wondered what else I missed. Not wanting to get depressed over the thought I went back into the kitchen to warm up more food. "Hungry?"

"Not if you cooked it." She said and I just laughed. I was not ready to crack jokes right now.

"You not even funny. But no Brandy cooked it."

"In that case I'll eat."

"Ha ha. So how is your business  coming along?"

"Great. I thank Brandy all the time for taking the secretary position. Without her it would have set me back big time."

"It seems she helping everyone huh?"

"Yeah. Even Yolanda." My ears perked at Yolandas name.

"Why do you say that?"

"They just been spending a lot of time together." She said with a hunch of her shoulders. "Shes with her pretty much everyday. I bet that's who shes with now." I folded my arms across my chest. What was she getting at?

"So what are you saying?"

"I don't know. Just... they're both gay..."

"You think they're sleeping together?"

"Its possible. I mean they're both gorgeous..."

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