It Is What It Is Chapter 42

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A/N Oh my god I cried writing this chapter, and I'm so happy to be finally posting this!! There will be a few more chapters after this and I hope to have them up as soon as possible. Thank you so much for reading and I really hope you enjoy this chapter!!!



Harry's POV


"Do you ever feel trapped? Like your swimming in the big vast ocean and the more you struggle, the more you fight back, the more tired you become, and after a while You lose the will to fight back. So you stop struggling, you stop trying to get free because you don't have anything left that's worth fighting for"

I look up and meet Louis' eyes. He's listening intently, hanging on my every word. I can practically see the gears turning inside his head.

"I'm so, so tired of fighting Lou. I'm tired of swimming and swimming, trying to get to the surface, just for a breath of fresh air, and then falling right back down again to the dark sea floor. But then I meet people like you and suddenly I'm flying. Soaring so high I can't see where I'm going, and of course like Newton once said, what goes up, must come back down again. But then there are also people like Nick"

"Does he make you feel like you're flying?" Louis interrupts, he looks agitated at the very mention of Nicks name.

"No" I continue "Nick is different. He makes me feel like I'm floating. Just above the water, gasping for air, but not high enough to be flying, and oh If I could fly, I'd go as far away as i could from that bastard" I shake my head and wipe away a few tears that have decided to betray me.

"With Nick I'm floating, barely surviving, lying there, powerless, unable to struggle, because if I do, even the slightest bit, he will drown me. He controls me, he owns me"

"I don't understand" Louis says, "How can he control you?"

"G-Gemma." i say before stopping to take a deep breath. I had never said these words out loud before and i was terrified. But this was Louis I had nothing to be scared of. "We were driving to the hospital, because she was having the baby." I let out a shaky sigh as I hear Louis gasp.

"She was pregnant?!" He whispers, a shocked expression on his beautiful face.

"8 1/2 months pregnant. She went early. We were driving down the motorway on our way to the hospital, Mum was driving. We were going a bit too fast. A car pulled out in front of us, Mum hit on the breaks to slow down, and they didn't work. We swerved to avoid hitting them and we spiraled off the road and into a tree. Mum died instantly. Gemma was still alive but her legs were crushed and she was losing blood. I was pretty cut up but nothing was broken. I called an ambulance, climbed in the front and Gemma had the baby. She told me to go and take her with me, told me she could hear sirens and the ambulance would need help finding us. I took the baby and tried to climb the hill. When I got to the top there was no ambulance, and then--" I stop talking, my mind flashing with images of the blood and Gemma's beautiful face looking so broken. I find my vision blurring and I feel faint.

It Is What It Is~ Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now