It Is What It Is Chapter 36

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Harry's POV


Suddenly the door bursts open and Zayn comes in looking worried.

"GET THE FUCK OUUUT!!" Louis screams and I'm surprised by his outburst until I realize that he's still naked after the pre-nap events that had taken place.

I throw Louis the blanket and he quickly covers himself while I grab a tissue and blow my nose.

Zayn just stands there with a confused look on his face while he watches us. "I was gonna ask what the fuck was happening here but now I'm not sure I wanna know"

Louis looks down biting his lip and blushing. I can't seem to find it in me to laugh. I still feel sick to my stomach after reading that text.

Hes back...... 


Louis' POV


Harry's been acting weird lately. He won't meet my eyes when we kiss. He keeps disappearing and won't tell me where he's been. He never smiles.  He seems to be smoking more and more and he won't stop even when I ask him too, he usually always stops for me. I'm really worried, hell even Zayn's worried. 

Zayn and I have been talking a lot more and we may not be close, or even consider each other friends, but its been nice to have someone who knows Harry way better than me to talk to. Zayn and Harry have been friends since they couldn't even talk and he knows everything there is to know about Harry, and I can tell he really cares. So much so Its taking a strain on his and Perrie's relationship. 

They had a HUGE fight the other day, and still aren't talking. Zayn and Perrie NEVER fight, and I mean ever. Zayn dotes on Perrie and may argue back sometimes but he always gives in in the end to make her happy. So the fact that they still aren't talking after 3 days is definitely a sign that things are bad.

"I'm really worried about him mate, he hasn't been like this since--" Zayn cuts himself off looking down at his lap.

"Since what?" I press.

"Since no one, I mean nothing" Zayn says before he covers his eyes with his hands, realizing he messed up.

So its a Someone. 

Someone's making Harry feels this way, and they've done it before. Have I met them? Has Zayn met them. 

Who are they.

and who would want to hurt Harry?

I'm about to pester Zayn for answers when suddenly Harry bursts through the door, his hair messed up and his eyes glassy, he smells of sex.

and that's when I realize he's not alone.

"Well hello Louis" They say with a sly grin.

It Is What It Is~ Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now