It Is What It Is Chapter 37

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This chapter is dedicated to: tommodstyles1d thank you so much for being so amazing!!!



Louis' POV


So its a Someone. 

Someone's making Harry feels this way, and they've done it before. Have I met them? Has Zayn met them. 

Who are they?

and who would want to hurt Harry?

I'm about to pester Zayn for answers when suddenly Harry bursts through the door, his hair messed up and his eyes glassy, he smells of sex.

and that's when I realize he's not alone.

"Well hello Louis" They say with a sly grin.


Harry's POV


"Nick" Louis spits, his face is flaming red.

I've never seen him this angry.

I look between Louis and Nick in confusion. If looks would kill they would both be dead by now. 

"You two know each other?" Zayn says, breaking the tense silence.

"Oh me and Lewis go waaaaayyy back" Nick says with a sickening smile.

"You shut the Fuck up Grimshaw, the last thing anyone wants to hear is your voice" Louis says in a low, dangerous tone.

"Harry here sure seems to love my voice, don't you babe" Nick says turning to face me.

Louis stares at me with a look of pure disgust and hatred. I stumble back towards the door. The only thing that's running through my mind is:

Louis hates you.
Louis hates you!
Louis hates me.

I'm too high for this.

My head is spinning.

I cover my mouth with my hand as tears fill my eyes.

"Harry where have you been" Louis asks. I can't even look at him. I cant look up into those beautiful blue eyes and tell him the truth. 

How can I tell him, but how can I not?

I don't have to consider my options for long however, as Nick is more than happy to share.

"Well let's just say, there was not a lot of talking involved, at least for Harry." Nick's laughs doing a blow job gesture.

I run my hands through my hair and let out a sigh. This is not going to end well.

There's a loud bang and I look up to see Louis slam his tea into the glass coffee table, shattering the mug and cracking the glass.

"FUCK" he yells.

He storms towards me before stopping to look into my eyes. His once ocean blue eyes are now grey like a thunder storm, I can see he's trying to hold back tears and I'm sure he can see i am too by the way his eyes soften, but only for a split second.

He pushes past me and reaches for the door handle.

I grab onto his wrist in desperation. "Lou, please" I say my voice cracking.
He stares at me for a long time, like he's searching my eyes for something I so desperately want to give him.

Louis looks away and walks out the door, slamming it behind him.
I slide all the way down to the floor, so I'm sitting with my knees hugged to my chest as tears fall from my eyes.

"I love him" I whisper.

"What?" Nick says

"I love Louis Tomlinson" I say, this time with more force.

"HAHAHA" Nick laughs "You fool! No one could ever Love you Harry Styles! Your just an unlovable slut!" Nick spits with another cruel laugh.

"Nick, shut. the. fuck. up." I look up to see Zayn now eye to eye with Nick, shoulders squared menacingly.

"Harry, Go" Zayn says.

"What?" I ask confused

"Go after him, Don't let him go" he says in a low but firm voice

"What if i lose everything?" 

"You have nothing to lose because Louis is your everything"

I look up at Zayn and see tears brimming in his chocolate brown eyes.

I nod and suddenly I completely understand. He wishes he had gone after Perrie before he lost her for good.

She is his everything. And Louis is mine.

"I will, but only if you do to" I Challenge.

"Someday mate, someday" he answers sadly.

Nick is looking at us with a  look of confusion and anger. I stand up and reach for the door handle, I turn around and look back at Nick before saying:

"Your wrong, I'm not unlovable. I have the best friends anyone could ever ask for who I do not deserve, but someone like you wouldn't know what that feels like, would you?"

I slammed the door behind me before Nick could say anything.

I will find Louis and I will tell him how I feel.

Because everything is hanging in the balance. 

It Is What It Is~ Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now