It Is What It Is Chapter 1

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Louis' POV

It started just like any other day, with the sun rising.

Whenever anything extraordinary happens to anyone, they've always started that day with the sun peeking through their curtains and the weight of the day that awaits heavy on their sleep clouded minds.

Whether it's a near-death experience or meeting the person you want to spend the rest of your life with – it all starts with the sun rising, alarm clocks ringing and getting out from under the covers.

So dull. So ordinary.

The day my life changed was no different.

I lay in my single bed, under my duvet, looking at the beam of light sneaking between my curtains and casting itself upon my legs.

It was Saturday and I had nothing to get up for. I drew the curtains back, letting the rest of the light invade every corner of my room. I then pulled myself onto the window sill, curled my legs under me and looked outside.

My name is Louis Tomlinson. I am 17 years old. I lived in a small terraced house in Doncaster, I have 5 sisters and 1 brother. I have mousey brown hair and blue eyes. Pretty average you must be thinking and you would be right. But that's just how I like it.

I jump down off the window ledge and headed to the bathroom. "Today will be a good day" I thought as I stripped off and jumped in the shower letting the warm water relax me even more as I sang and danced around in the shower singing 'send me on my way by Rusted Root' my Saturday morning ritual.

I emerged from the shower nice and clean and smelling of my  l'Oreal strawberry shampoo. I dove onto my bed and stared at the ceiling, I had stuck constellation stickers on it when I went through my space faze a few years ago. My favorite constellation is Cygnus, which means Swan. It was named after a beautiful Spartan queen birthed two sets of twins. Eventually, in the form of a swan, another god seduced the queen. Finally, the two immortal twins, Castor and Pollux are fathered by the god. Together they created the Gemini constellation. I always admired the queen's strength as my mother also had two sets of twins and raised them single handedly to be the strong amazing people they are today.

I finally got off my bed and got dressed whistling as I walked down the stairs. I could smell bacon! I started to run down the stairs when I saw my sister Lottie reaching for the last bit of bacon. "LOTTIE FIZZY'S STEALING YOUR LIPGLOSS" I screamed. Lottie was up in an instant tearing down the hall up the stairs yelling at poor fizzy who was still sound asleep in her bed.

 'Oops?' i thought to myself as I grabbed the last bacon piece and started to wolf it down in case Lottie came back plotting her revenge. I finished smacking my lips together and rubbing my stomach I hurried out the door saying a quick goodbye to my mum on the way.

I met up with my friend Liam. We had been friends since I was 5 and he was 6. We had kind of a none affectionate friendship mainly due to the fact I was gay, and even though Liam had been 110% supportive I kind of get the feeling he thinks I fancy him even though the only people I've ever fancied was the likes of young Leanardo Dicaprio or something like that.

"So I was wondering if you would come out with Danielle and I tonight?" Liam asked. I smile at him before saying "In case you haven't noticed Liam I've already come out" I chuckled at my own joke. "I'm serious Lou!" he says shaking his head, "You never go out and you never spend time with anyone besides me! You need more friends Lou!".  I sighed "Fine but your buying the drinks" 

Why does no one I know ever laugh at my gay jokes? and now I had to go to some stupid club and socialize with people I didn't even want to know!

By the time I had said goodbye to Liam and walked back home I had decided that it was probably better to just make the best of a shitty situation and try and have a good time.

I opened the door and walked into my room to find my mum putting the clothes I had thrown all over the floor this morning into my wardrobe. "Hey mum" I said smiling. "Don't 'Hey mum' me Mister Tomlinson I've spent the past 30 mins cleaning up after you" 

I walked over to give her a hug "Sorry mum I went out early to play some footie with Liam, oh also he asked me to go to a club with Danielle and him tonight" I prayed she would say no but just to my luck- "Of course boo bear it'll be great for you to socialize with other people your age, you are 17 and your only friend is Liam, it would be great for you to meet new people! Just make sure your responsible  and please be careful OK boo?" I sighed but nodded my head, "I will mum, I'm gonna get ready" smiling my mum pinched my cheek and said "OK then sweetie, have fun"

I showered once again and changed into a pair of red jeans with suspenders, a stripy white and black top and red converse. I looked at myself in the mirror 'Meh it will do' I thought just as I heard the doorbell ring and my mum calling me telling me that it was time to go. With one last glance in the mirror I set off unsure of what awaited me.

"What's the worst that could happen?" I thought to myself as I ran to meet Liam and Danielle who were waiting at the door.

It Is What It Is~ Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now